Aircraft, other than state aircraft, operating on the ATS routes above FL 095 within the Brussels FIR/UIR shall be equipped with, as a minimum, RNAV equipment meeting RNP 5 in accordance with the requirements set out in ICAO Doc 7030, Regional Supplementary Procedures (EUR SUPPS, chapter 4).
To execute an RNP approach the use of GNSS equipment is mandatory. In case of an RNP approach to the LPV minimum, the equipment must additionally make use of the European SBAS EGNOS. These LPV approaches can be retrieved from the FMS database using the SBAS channel number as published on the relevant RNP approach chart.
In case of RNP approach, the pilot should check RAIM availability using GNSS RAIM NOTAM or other means. In case of RNP approach to LPV minimum, the pilot should check EGNOS availability using EGNOS NOTAM for the relevant airport.
The use of guidance relying on EGNOS signals is authorized for a RNP approach leading to LNAV/VNAV and LPV minima.
Barometric VNAV guidance during approach is not temperature compensated. A temperature limitation is reflected on the RNP approach chart. Operating at uncompensated altitudes will not provide expected obstacle clearance below published minimum temperatures.
The carriage of 8.33 KHZ channel spacing radio equipment is mandatory throughout the ICAO EUR Region for flights above FL 195.
State aircraft operating within Brussels FIR/UIR are permanently exempted from the above carriage requirement, provided that they are able to communicate on UHF. In addition, all state aircraft flying OAT within the Brussels UIR, are exempted from the above-mentioned carriage requirement.
Except for UHF equipped state aircraft, non-equipped aircraft planning to enter any FIR/UIR above FL 195 in the EUR Region where no exemption has been published (refer to the AIP of the state covering the FIR/UIR concerned), must flight plan to operate below FL 195 throughout the entire EUR Region.
Note: Above FL 245 in the Brussels UIR, UHF coverage is assured. Below FL 245, regular 25 KHZ assignments will be used. State aircraft planning to cross the Brussels UIR boundary above FL 195 shall comply with the 8.33 KHZ regulations of neighbouring states and check the UHF coverage provided.
All radios operating in the 117.975-137 MHZ band (the ‘VHF-band’ allocated to aviation) shall have the 8.33 KHZ channel spacing capability. An operator shall not operate an aircraft in airspace where carriage of radio is required unless the aircraft radio equipment has the 8.33 KHZ channel spacing capability.
State aircraft which are permanently exempted from the requirement of having radio equipment with the 8.33 KHZ channel spacing capability shall be able to communicate on UHF or on the remaining VHF 25 KHZ frequencies, where available.
Only RVSM approved aircraft and non-RVSM approved state aircraft will be permitted to operate within the EUR RVSM airspace.
Guidance material on the airworthiness, continued airworthiness and the operational practices and procedures for the EUR RVSM airspace is provided in the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) Temporary Guidance Leaflet (TGL) Number 6, Revision 1, and the ICAO EUR Regional Supplementary Procedures (EUR SUPPS, chapter 4).
Note 1: RVSM approved aircraft are those aircraft for which the operator has obtained an RVSM approval, either from the state in which the operator is based, or from the state in which the aircraft is registered.
Note 2: Details on RVSM airspace within Brussels UIR can be found in ENR 2.1.
The carriage and operation of a Mode S transponder, compliant with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) CS-ACNS, Book 1, Subpart D, Surveillance (SUR), Section 2 - Mode S elementary surveillance, is mandatory in the Brussels FIR/UIR, as follows:
The carriage and operation of a Mode S transponder, compliant with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) CS-ACNS, Book 1, Subpart D, Surveillance (SUR) Section 3 - Mode S enhanced surveillance, is mandatory in the Brussels FIR/UIR for fixed wing aircraft flying in accordance with IFR as GAT, when the aircraft has a MTOW greater than 5 700 KG and/or a maximum cruising true airspeed in excess of 250 KT.
State aircraft are exempted of this requirement when flying as GAT within the Brussels FIR/UIR, carriage and operation of a Mode S ELS-capable transponder is sufficient.
ACAS II shall be used during flight except as provided in the minimum equipment list specified in Commission Regulations (EU) 965/2012, 800/2013 and 379/2014 in a mode that enables RA indications to be produced for the flight crew when undue proximity to another aircraft is detected unless inhibition of RA indication mode (using TA indication only or equivalent) is called for by an abnormal procedure or due to performance-limiting conditions.