GEN 3.1  Aeronautical Information Services


AIM Belgium and ANA are the responsible authorities to ensure the flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international and national air navigation within the areas indicated below.

Note: AIM Belgium is a service provided by skeyes in cooperation with Belgian Defence.

The service is provided in accordance with the provisions contained in ICAO Annex 15 and ICAO PANS-AIM (Doc 10066).

1.1   AIP Office (AIM Belgium)

AIM Belgium
AIP Office
Control Tower
Tervuursesteenweg 303
1820 Steenokkerzeel



1.2   Brussels NOF (AIM Belgium)

AIM Belgium
International NOTAM Office
Control Tower
Tervuursesteenweg 303
1820 Steenokkerzeel

TEL: +32 (0) 2 206 25 30




1.3   AIS Luxembourg (ANA)

Administration de la navigation aérienne
OPS Department
BP 273
L-2012 Luxembourg

TEL: +352 47 98 23 01 0

FAX: +352 47 98 23 09 0





2.1   AIM Belgium

AIM Belgium is responsible for the provision of the AIP (including AIP amendments and AIP supplements) and the AIC for Belgium and Luxembourg, for the origination and issuance of civil and military NOTAM in the Brussels FIR and for the provision of pre-flight information services in relation to route stages originating at the aerodromes and heliports in Belgium.

2.2   ANA

ANA is responsible for the collection of information for the entire territory of Luxembourg and its dissemination to AIM Belgium and skeyes for publication.

ANA is responsible for the provision of pre-flight information services in relation to route stages originating at the aerodromes and heliports in Luxembourg as well as the publication of SNOWTAM.


The aeronautical information is provided in the form of the following aeronautical information products:

  • Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
  • AIP Amendments (AMDT)
  • AIP Supplements (SUP)
  • Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC)
  • Aeronautical charts
3.1   Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)

The AIP is the basic aviation document intended primarily to satisfy international requirements for the exchange of permanent aeronautical information and long duration temporary changes essential for air navigation.

The AIP is available in an electronic form that allows for printing on paper (eAIP), for use in international and domestic operations, whether the flight is a commercial or a private one. The text is in English only.

The eAIP is published on the operational website of skeyes (

3.2   AIP Amendments

Amendments to the eAIP are made by issuing a replacement eAIP. Each eAIP is allocated a separate serial number, which is consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year, indicated by four digits, is a part of the serial number.

A new eAIP is issued for each AIRAC effective date.

Each eAIP contains:

  • The AIP including the AIRAC AIP amendment becoming effective on the eAIP effective date, if any;
  • The AIP including the regular AIP amendment inserted on the eAIP effective date;
  • A preview of the published AIRAC AIP amendments that are not yet effective, if any.

Amendment changes in the AIP are identified by a light blue (regular AIP amendment) or pink (AIRAC AIP amendment) background, whereby removed text is barred with a horizontal line. Each amendment is also available in an electronic form that allows for printing on paper.

AIRAC AIP amendments, issued in accordance with the AIRAC System (see also § 4 below) and identified by the acronym “AIRAC”, incorporate operationally significant permanent changes into the AIP on the indicated AIRAC effective date. Regular AIP amendments, issued in accordance with the established regular interval, incorporate other permanent changes into the AIP.

Each regular and AIRAC AIP amendment is allocated a separate serial number, which is consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year, indicated by four digits, is a part of the serial number of the amendment.

The publication schedule of the AIP amendments is published yearly in an AIP supplement.

3.3   AIP Supplements

Temporary changes of long duration (three months and longer) and information of short duration that consists of extensive text and/or graphics, supplementing the permanent information contained in the AIP, are published as AIP supplements.

AIP supplements are separated by information subject (GEN, ENR, AD) and are published in one package with the AIP. Each AIP supplement is allocated a separate serial number, which is consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year, indicated by four digits, is a part of the serial number of the AIP supplement.

An AIP supplement is kept in the AIP as long as all or some of its information remain valid. The period of validity of the information contained in the AIP supplement will normally be given in the AIP supplement itself. Alternatively, NOTAM may be used to indicate changes to the period of validity or cancellation of the AIP supplement.

The checklist of AIP supplements currently in force is published as part of the AIP (see GEN 0.3).

3.4   Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC)

AIC contain information on the long-term forecast of any major change in legislation, regulations, procedures or facilities; information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety and information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning technical, legislative or purely administrative matters.

AIC are published in one package with the AIP

Each AIC is allocated a separate serial number, which is consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year, indicated by four digits, is a part of the serial number of the AIC. A checklist of AIC currently in force is contained in the eAIP and a checklist is also issued as an AIC at least once per year.

3.5   NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB)
3.5.1   NOTAM

NOTAM contain information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential for personnel concerned with flight operations. The text of each NOTAM contains the information in the order shown in the ICAO NOTAM format and is composed of the significations / uniform abbreviated phraseology assigned to the ICAO NOTAM code, complemented by ICAO abbreviations, indicators, identifiers, designators, call signs, frequencies, figures and plain language.

NOTAM are originated and issued for the Brussels FIR/UIR and are distributed in different series:

AServices and facilities of public aerodromes (incl ILS)
BServices and facilities of private aerodromes / heliports
CServices and facilities of military aerodromes / heliports (incl ILS and PAR)
DATS, AIM and MET services and procedures
ECommunication, navigation and surveillance (excl ILS and PAR)
FNavigational warnings outside civil controlled airspace and up to 4 500 FT AMSL (incl)
GNavigational warnings in civil controlled airspace or extending/entirely above 4 500 FT AMSL
MInformation for military users only
ZBIRDTAM (see ENR 5.6, § 4)

Note: Information concerning aerodrome obstacles is included in the relevant aerodromes series (A, B or C). Information concerning en-route obstacles is included in series F.

Each NOTAM will be allocated a series identified by the relevant letter and a four-digit number followed by a stroke and a two-digit number for the year (e.g. A0023/10). Each series starts on 1 JAN with number 0001.

Note: A checklist of valid NOTAM is issued monthly as a NOTAM for each NOTAM series.

3.5.2   SNOWTAM

Information concerning snow, slush, ice, frost, standing water, or water associated with snow, slush, ice or frost on the movement area is disseminated by means of SNOWTAM for those aerodromes where this is indicated in AD 2.7. The SNOWTAM are prepared in accordance with Appendix 4 of ICAO PANS-AIM.

3.5.3   Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB)

PIB, which contain a recapitulation of current NOTAM and other information of urgent character for the operator / flight crews are available on the Belgian aerodromes, at ELLX and from the operational website of skeyes. The extent of the information contained in the PIB is listed in § 5.

3.6   Aeronautical Charts

Aeronautical charts are made available as specified in GEN 3.2.


In order to control and regulate the operationally significant changes requiring amendments to charts, route-manuals etc., such changes – whenever possible – will be issued on predetermined dates according to the AIRAC system as an AIRAC AIP amendment.

The table below indicates the AIRAC effective dates for the coming years. AIRAC information will be issued so that the information will be available online at the latest 28 days before the effective date. At AIRAC effective dates, a trigger NOTAM will be issued, giving a brief description of the contents and reference number of the AIRAC AIP amendment that becomes effective on that date. The trigger NOTAM remains in force as a reminder in the PIB for fifteen days after the effective date.

To provide additional advanced notification to professional users, each AIRAC AIP amendment will be posted in electronic format on the Eurocontrol AIS AGORA forum. This forum can be found on the following address:

If no information was submitted for publication at the AIRAC date, a NIL notification will be issued by NOTAM not later than one AIRAC cycle before the AIRAC effective date concerned.

The publication schedule of the AIRAC AIP amendments will be published yearly in an AIP supplement.

02 JAN28 JAN27 JAN26 JAN25 JAN
30 JAN25 FEB24 FEB23 FEB22 FEB
27 FEB25 MAR24 MAR23 MAR21 MAR
26 MAR22 APR21 APR20 APR18 APR
23 APR20 MAY19 MAY18 MAY16 MAY
21 MAY17 JUN16 JUN15 JUN13 JUN
18 JUN15 JUL14 JUL13 JUL11 JUL
16 JUL12 AUG11 AUG10 AUG08 AUG
13 AUG09 SEP08 SEP07 SEP05 SEP
10 SEP07 OCT06 OCT05 OCT03 OCT
08 OCT04 NOV03 NOV02 NOV31 OCT
05 NOV02 DEC01 DEC30 NOV28 NOV
03 DEC30 DEC29 DEC28 DEC26 DEC
31 DEC
23 JAN22 JAN21 JAN20 JAN18 JAN
20 FEB19 FEB18 FEB17 FEB15 FEB
20 MAR19 MAR18 MAR16 MAR15 MAR
17 APR16 APR15 APR13 APR12 APR
15 MAY14 MAY13 MAY11 MAY10 MAY
12 JUN11 JUN10 JUN08 JUN07 JUN
10 JUL09 JUL08 JUL06 JUL05 JUL
07 AUG06 AUG05 AUG03 AUG02 AUG
04 SEP03 SEP02 SEP31 AUG30 AUG
02 OCT01 OCT30 SEP28 SEP27 SEP
30 OCT29 OCT28 OCT26 OCT25 OCT
27 NOV26 NOV25 NOV23 NOV22 NOV
25 DEC24 DEC23 DEC21 DEC20 DEC


5.1   In Belgium

Pre-flight information is available at aerodromes as detailed below.

5.1.1   Civil Aerodromes

Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain via self-briefing terminals. Denmark, Switzerland paper copy AVBL


Worldwide coverage via self-briefing terminals


Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain via self-briefing terminals


Europe: full coverage

Africa: Algeria, ASECNA, Cape Verde, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa and Tunisia

Asia: Bahrain, China, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan

North America: Canada and the United States

South America and the Caribbean: Cuba and Eastern Caribbean States


Worldwide coverage via self-briefing terminals


Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain via self-briefing terminals


Worldwide coverage via self-briefing terminals

EBLGDocumentationBelgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain via self-briefing terminals

Worldwide coverage via self-briefing terminals


Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain via self-briefing terminals.


Worldwide coverage via self-briefing terminals

PIB are also delivered by FAX or via e-mail after request to Brussels NOF. Self-briefing is possible via the operational website of skeyes (

Note: PIB via self-briefing terminals or via internet include only NOTAM not older than 250 days and “PERMNOTAM not older than 90 days from their start of validity.

5.1.2   Military Aerodromes
EBBEDocumentation (CIV)

Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Documentation (MIL)

Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


Information at AIS office on request. (coverage: see ATM instruction 5).

EBFSDocumentation (CIV)

Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Documentation (MIL)

Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.


Information at AIS office on request. (coverage: see ATM instruction 5).

EBBLDocumentation (CIV)

Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Turkey and the U.K.

Documentation (MIL)

Belgium, Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the U.K.


Information at AIS office on request. (coverage: see ATM instruction 5).

EBFNDocumentation (CIV)

Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Documentation (MIL)

Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


Information at AIS office on request. (coverage: see ATM instruction 5).

EBMBDocumentation (CIV)

Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, Kazachstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Documentation (MIL)

Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.


Information at AIS office on request. (coverage: see ATM instruction 5).

5.2   In Luxembourg

Pre-flight information is available as detailed below.


ECAC Member States


Worldwide coverage. AVBL H24 at the ARO Office

PIB are also delivered by FAX or via e-mail after request to Luxembourg ARO. Self-briefing is possible via the operational website of skeyes (

Note: PIB via internet include only NOTAM not older than 250 days and “PERMNOTAM not older than 90 days from their start of validity.


An area 1 electronic obstacle data set is available for Belgium as specified in ENR 5.4.

A digital terrain model is available for Belgium from the Belgian National Geographical Institute. For details see:

7   EAD

Belgium and Luxembourg are fully migrated to the European AIS Database (EAD). The EAD may be consulted at the following address (free registration required):