GEN 4.2  Air Navigation Services Charges


1.1   Amount of the Charges

skeyes levies a charge for each take-off in the charging zone of EBBR, the amount of which is equal to the product of the formula:

U x Wi x Ni x Pi x Si x α

in which:

  • “U” is the unit rate;
  • “Wi” is the number of terminal air navigation service units payable for this flight;
  • “Ni” is the noise factor for this flight;
  • “Pi” is the emission factor of the aircraft used for this flight;
  • “Si” is the distance factor of this flight;
  • “i” is the identification of the individual flight;
  • “α” is the compensation coefficient (set to 0.63680.6175) allowing to offset the revenue surplus or deficit due to the application of factors N, P and S.

U: the unit rate (U) is set at 219.37248.84 EUR for 20245.

W: the number of terminal air navigation service units (Wi) equals the weight factor for the aircraft concerned, expressed according to Annex VIII of Implementing Regulation (EU) nr. 2019/317 as a figure taken to two decimal places, being the quotient obtained by dividing the certified maximum take-off mass of the aircraft in metric tons by 50 and increasing it to the power of 0.7.

N: the noise factor (Ni) is equal to (N1+N2)/2, where N1 is the noise factor for landing and N2 is the noise factor for take-off.

N1 is determined using the following table:

0500 (0400) - 0559 (0459)0600 (0500) - 1959 (1859)2000 (1900) - 2159 (2059)2200 (2100) - 0459 (0359)
0.10 - 0.901.501.001.502.00
1.00 - 1.901.651.101.652.50
2.00 - 2.901.801.201.803.00
3.00 - 3.901.951.301.953.50
4.00 - 4.902.101.402.104.00
5.00 - 5.902.251.502.254.50
6.00 - 6.902.401.602.405.00
7.00 - 7.902.551.702.555.50
8.00 - 8.902.701.802.7010.00
9.00 - 9.902.851.902.8510.00
10.00 - 10.903.002.003.0010.00
11.00 - 11.903.152.103.1510.00
12.00 - 12.9010.002.203.3010.00
13.00 - 13.9010.002.303.4510.00
14.00 - 14.9010.002.403.6010.00
15.00 - 15.9010.002.503.7510.00
16.00 - 16.9010.002.603.9010.00
17.00 - 17.9010.002.704.0510.00
18.00 - 18.9010.002.804.2010.00
19.00 - 19.9010.002.904.3510.00
20.00 - 20.9010.003.004.5010.00
21.00 - 21.9010.003.104.6510.00
22.00 - 22.9010.003.204.8010.00
23.00 - 23.9010.003.304.9510.00

N2 is determined using the following table:

0500 (0400) - 0559 (0459)0600 (0500) - 1959 (1859)2000 (1900) - 2159 (2059)2200 (2100) - 0459 (0359)
0.10 - 0.901.501.001.502.00
1.00 - 1.901.651.101.652.50
2.00 - 2.901.801.201.803.00
3.00 - 3.901.951.301.953.50
4.00 - 4.902.101.402.104.00
5.00 - 5.902.251.502.254.50
6.00 - 6.902.401.602.405.00
7.00 - 7.902.551.702.555.50
8.00 - 8.902.701.802.7010.00
9.00 - 9.902.851.902.8510.00
10.00 - 10.903.002.003.0010.00
11.00 - 11.903.152.103.1510.00
12.00 - 12.9010.002.203.3010.00
13.00 - 13.9010.002.303.4510.00
14.00 - 14.9010.002.403.6010.00
15.00 - 15.9010.002.503.7510.00
16.00 - 16.9010.002.603.9010.00
17.00 - 17.9010.002.704.0510.00
18.00 - 18.9010.002.804.2010.00
19.00 - 19.9010.002.904.3510.00
20.00 - 20.9010.003.004.5010.00
21.00 - 21.9010.003.104.6510.00
22.00 - 22.9010.003.204.8010.00
23.00 - 23.9010.003.304.9510.00
24.00 - 24.9010.003.4010.0010.00
25.00 - 25.9010.003.5010.0010.00
26.00 - 26.9010.003.6010.0010.00
27.00 - 27.9010.003.7010.0010.00
28.00 - 28.9010.003.8010.0010.00
29.00 - 29.9010.003.9010.0010.00
30.00 - 30.9010.004.0010.0010.00
31.00 - 31.9010.004.1010.0010.00
32.00 - 32.9010.004.2010.0010.00
33.00 - 33.9010.004.3010.0010.00
34.00 - 34.9010.004.4010.0010.00
35.00 - 35.9010.004.5010.0010.00
36.00 - 36.9010.004.6010.0010.00
37.00 - 37.9010.004.7010.0010.00
38.00 - 38.9010.004.8010.0010.00
39.00 - 39.9010.004.9010.0010.00
40.00 - 40.9010.005.0010.0010.00
41.00 - 41.9010.005.1010.0010.00
42.00 - 42.9010.005.2010.0010.00
43.00 - 43.9010.005.3010.0010.00
44.00 - 44.9010.005.4010.0010.00
45.00 - 45.9010.005.5010.0010.00
46.00 - 46.9010.005.6010.0010.00
47.00 - 47.9010.005.7010.0010.00

skeyes uses the noise quotas (QCD and QCA) of the aircraft determined by the competent service at Brussels National Airport.

The time to be taken into account for take-off shall be that at which the aircraft leaves the ground.

P: The emissions factor of the aircraft used for the flight (Pi) shall be determined using the following table:

Emissions score of the aircraftPi
> 10 and < 901.00
≤ 101.05

The aircraft’s emissions score is equal to the average of the CO2 score and the NOx score. The methods for determining these scores are set out in the following document:

S: The flight’s distance factor (Si) is 1.5 for flights whose destination, according to the great-circle distance, is no more than 500 KM from the ARP of Brussels National Airport. The flight’s distance factor is 1.0 for flights whose destination, according to the great-circle distance, is more than 500 KM from the ARP of Brussels National Airport.

α = ΣWi / Σ[Wi x Ni x Pi x Si].

α is calculated on the data of the year n-2.

1.2   Exemptions

Exempted from this charge are aircraft:

  • flights performed exclusively for the transport, on official mission, of reigning Monarchs and their immediate family, head of state, heads of Government and Government Ministers; in all cases, the exemption must be substantiated by the appropriate status indicator or remark on the flight plan;
  • search and rescue flights authorised by the appropriate competent body;
  • flights performed exclusively for the purpose of checking or testing equipment used or intended to be used as ground aids to air navigation, excluding positioning flights by the aircraft concerned;
  • flights forced to return;
  • humanitarian flights authorised by the appropriate competent body;
  • customs and police flights.
1.3   Remarks

The charge laid down by the present regulations does not include VAT, if any.

The above-mentioned charge has to be paid to the airport manager or his deputy in specie, with a eurocheque or by means of any electronic instrument of payment.

Payment on a later date is possible on the understanding that skeyes has given prior written agreement. In that case, the deposit of a guarantee can be required.

Provision of air navigation services will be refused to debtors unwilling to pay outstanding ATC charges with conventional enforcement measures. skeyes will inform its debtors in writing of the deadline from when the provision of air navigation services will be discontinued if payment is not received. After the expiry of this deadline all skeyes regions and local units will be instructed not to accept any flight plans from such debtors nor to issue start-up permission, taxi or take-off clearances.

1.4   Military Aircraft

Belgian military aircraft are exempted from charge. Foreign military aircraft are exempted from charge if their State grants a similar advantage to Belgian military aircraft on a properly settled reciprocal basis.

2   ANA

2.1   General

All landings are free of TNC charges, only departing aircraft shall pay a TNC charge.

2.2   Amount of Charges

The formula used for the calculation of the TNC charges is shown below:

R = U x (MTOW/50)0.7 x E x D x α

in which:

  • “R” is the TNC charge per departure aircraft in EUR;
  • “U” is the unit rate (set to 257.80 EUR for 2024);
  • MTOW” is the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft expressed in tons;
  • “E” is the environmental factor;
  • “D” is the day/night factor;
  • “α” is the compensational factor (set to 0.8251 for 2024).
2.2.1   Environmental factor

The environmental factor (E) is determined according to the table below:

Acoustic CategoryV (acoustic factor)E
CAT A (least noisy)10 or more0.90
CAT Bbetween 7.5 (included) and 101.00
CAT Cbetween 5 (included) and 7.51.25
CAT D (most noisy)less than 51.50

In order to define the environmental factor (E), an acoustic factor (V) will be used.

The acoustic factor is obtained by dividing through the number of engines of the aircraft the difference of the aircraft maximum noise level value(s) as specified in ICAO Annex 16 and the actual aircraft noise level value(s) figuring on the noise certification data sheet.

In case of multiple values for lateral, approach, fly over, overflight and/or take-off noise levels, cumulative noise values will be used.

In the case of ICAO Annex 16 chapters containing sub-chapters (e.g. chapter 8, 10 or 11), the highest maximum noise levels will be considered.

In case of multiple values for MTOW, the highest MTOW shall be applied.

2.2.2   Day/Night factor

The day/night factor (D) is determined according to the table below:

TKOF timeD
0500 - 2200 (0400 - 2100)1.00
2201 - 2300 (2101 - 2200)1.50
2301 - 0459 (2201 - 0359)2.00

The take-off time on the flight progress strip applies.

2.3   Noise Certification Data Sheet

In order to allow for the correct calculation of the TNC, especially with regard to the environmental factor it is strongly recommended to submit all noise certification date sheet(s) to the ANA OPS Department prior to departure (see GEN 3.1).

In the case that the noise certificate has not been received prior to departure, is unreadable or does not provide actual noise level values, the environmental factor (E) is considered as 1.50.

In this context the correct environmental factor (E) can only be applied starting from the date the noise certificate has been received by ANA OPS Department. Backwards recalculation prior to the date of reception of the noise certificate cannot be performed.

2.4   Exemptions

The following aircraft are exempted from TNC:

  • Flights carried out exclusively to transport, on official missions, the reigning monarchs and their immediate family, heads of state, heads of government and government ministers, when the status of those flights is confirmed by an appropriate indication of the status or by an adequate note on the flight plan;
  • Search and rescue flights authorized by the appropriate competent authority;
  • Military flights carried out by military aircraft of any country;
  • Training flights carried out exclusively for the purposes of obtaining a license or an evaluation of the abilities of the flight crew, when this purpose has been confirmed by an adequate remark on the flight plan. These flights must be carried out exclusively within Luxembourgish airspace and must not be used for the transport of passengers or goods, nor for positioning or convoying;
  • Flights carried out exclusively for the purposes of checking or testing equipment used or to be used as ground aids for air navigation, excluding positioning flights carried out by the aircraft concerned;
  • Humanitarian flights authorized by ANA;
  • Flights carried out by customs and the police.
2.5   Payment Terms

If the bill is not paid within thirty days from the date of invoice, ANA reserves the right to charge default interest. After sixty days late, ANA will automatically send a formal notice to the debtor and will charge default interest in accordance and as foreseen in the national legislation.

ANA may prohibit the flight of any aircraft for which the charges due under this regulation have not been paid within the time prescribed above.


The route charges for the Brussels FIR/UIR are managed by Eurocontrol’s Central Route Charges Office (CRCO). Details can be consulted on the Eurocontrol website: