
skeyes is an autonomous public company with registered office at de Meeussquare 35 1000 Brussels, registered in the register of legal entities under company number 0206.048.091.

This website is developed by skeyes, autonomous public company by the law of March 21st 1991 on the reform of certain Public Companies, which is at the same time responsible for the administration and the management of this website.

The information provided via this website is subject to modifications and can at all times and without express notification be altered, completed or removed by skeyes.

skeyes cannot guarantee a permanent access to the website, nor the absence of disturbances or the proper functioning of the website.

When skeyes is informed of mistakes or incompleteness in the information, the company will immediately correct or improve this information.

skeyes does everything possible to protect its website against viruses, hacking-attacks or other computer offences, but does not guarantee the absence of viruses, hacking-attacks or other computer offences.

The website may contain hyperlinks to third parties' websites. These are only inserted for the user's information. skeyes has no control of the contents of these websites and can on no account be held liable for the existence of these websites, nor for the information they contain.

All disputes connected with or arising from (the use of) the website are exclusively governed by Belgian law. The courts of Brussels have the exclusive competence to act in these disputes.