1 | ARP coordinates | 511122N 0042737E |
Site of ARP at aerodrome | 091° MAG / 780 M from TWR | |
2 | Direction and distance from (city) | 2.9 NM SE of Antwerp |
3 | Elevation / reference temperature | 32 FT / 22°C |
4 | Geoid undulation at AD ELEV PSN | 148 FT |
5 | Magnetic variation / annual change | 1°E (2020) / INFO not AVBL |
6 | Name of AD operator | LEM Antwerpen |
Address | Luchthavengebouw Luchthavenlei 2100 Deurne BELGIUM | |
TEL | +32 (0) 3 285 65 20 (H24) | |
FAX | +32 (0) 3 285 65 01 (Airport Authority) +32 (0) 2 208 55 13 (Self-briefing) | |
info@antwerpairport.aero security@antwerpairport.aero (H24) | ||
Website | www.antwerp-airport.com | |
7 | Types of traffic permitted (IFR / VFR) | IFR / VFR |
8 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | AD Operator | 0600-2200 (0500-2100) |
2 | Customs and immigration | Passengers: 0600-2200 (0500-2100) Goods: MON-FRI (HOL excl): 0700-1100 (0600-1000) and 1130-1700 (1030-1600) Note: Customs clearance outside these hours is possible. Fees depend on the number of customs officers required and on the nature of operations. |
3 | Health and sanitation | As AD Operator |
4 | AIS Briefing Office | As AD Operator |
5 | ATS Reporting Office (ARO) | NIL |
6 | MET Briefing Office | As AD Operator |
7 | ATS | As AD Operator |
8 | Fuelling | 0500-2100 (0400-2000)
9 | Handling | As AD Operator |
10 | Security | As AD Operator |
11 | De-icing | As AD Operator |
12 | Remarks | Occasionally the aerodrome may be opened outside the published hours between 2200 - 2330 (2100 - 2230) for arriving scheduled flights under following provisions:
Occasionally the aerodrome may be opened outside the published hours for urgent medical flights under following provisions:
1 | Cargo-handling facilities | Modern handling facilities available O/R (unlimited weight) | |
2 | Fuel types | AVGAS 100 LL and JET A1 | |
Oil types | All types | ||
3 | Fuelling facilities and capacity | AVGAS 100 LL: 2 fixed pumps JET A1: 2 trucks (19 and 12.3 m3, 2 x 800 L/MIN) Fuelling Apron 1: on aircraft stands Fuelling Apron 2: behind the red safety line hangars 105, 107, 109 and 112 | |
4 | De-icing facilities | De-icing on stand | |
5 | Hangar space for visiting aircraft | NIL | |
6 | Repair facilities for visiting aircraft | All repairs | |
7 | Remarks | Handling is compulsory for transport of arriving passengers and crew of general aviation and business flights, parked on apron 1 or general aviation terminal (local flights excepted). Flights without handling: prior notification is required via https://flights.antwerpairport.aero. For handling, please contact: | |
Handling Regular Flights / Charter Flights | |||
Aviapartner | FENAIR | ||
TEL: +32 (0) 485 44 54 05 TEL: +32 (0) 483 65 57 13 TEL: +32 (0) 485 20 47 76 Email: musty@fenair.aero Email: bassim.o@fenair.aero Email: naila.o@fenair.aero | |||
Aeroservices | |||
Philippe Paraskeva TEL: +32 (0) 477 35 20 66 Ismail H’Lalem TEL: +32 (0) 472 07 14 02 | |||
Handling General Aviation / Business Flight | |||
ASL Jet Handling | Flyinggroup | ||
TEL: +32 (0) 3 285 34 76 TEL: +32 (0) 3 286 86 09 Email: handling@flyinggroup.aero URL: www.flyinggroup.aero |
1 | Hotels | In the city |
2 | Restaurants | At aerodrome Belair Antwerp and in the city |
3 | Transportation | Taxis, buses and car hire |
4 | Medical facilities | First aid treatment and recovery room Public ambulances and hospitals in the city (2.5 KM) Automated external defibrillator (AED) available |
5 | Bank | Cash dispenser available |
Post office | In the city | |
6 | Tourist office | At aerodrome / Tourist office in the city |
7 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | Aerodrome category for fire fighting | CAT 7 |
2 | Rescue equipment |
3 | Capability for removal of disabled aircraft | Bulldozer, tractors, forklift, aerial platform, driving plates, intervention vehicle, container truck, crane truck |
4 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | Types of clearing equipment |
2 | Clearance priorities |
3 | Use of material for movement area surface treatment | KAC (potassium acetate fluids) and NAAC (sodium acetate solids) used. |
4 | Specially prepared winter runways | Not applicable |
5 | Remarks | Transmission of information by SNOWTAM, ATIS and RCR based on RCAM (evaluated by airport inspection and communicated to ATC). Designated authority to co-ordinate information about the current state of progress of snow clearance operations and the conditions of the movement area is the Airport Authority: TEL: +32 (0) 3 285 65 02 or +32 (0) 3 285 65 32 or +32 (0) 496 24 59 50 ASFT SAAB as an auxiliary means of evaluating the runway condition. |
1 | Apron designation, surface and strength | Apron 1: CONC / ASPH, PCN 30/F/A/W/U Apron 2: ASPH, PCN 30/F/A/W/U Apron General Aviation: ASPH, MAX 5 700 KG |
2 | Taxiway designation, width, surface and strength | TWY A and F: 25 M, ASPH , PCN 30/F/A/W/U TWY B and J: 12 M, ASPH, PCN 30/F/A/W/U TWY E, G and H: 12 M, ASPH, MAX 5 700 KG TWY K: 15 M, ASPH, PCN 30/F/A/W/U |
3 | ACL and elevation | At aprons (31 FT) |
4 | VOR check points | NIL |
5 | INS check points | At aircraft stands |
6 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | Aircraft stand identification signs | Aircraft stand identification markings Apron 1. Aircraft stand identification signs and markings Apron 2. |
Taxiway guide lines | AVBL | |
Visual docking / parking guidance system at aircraft stands | Parking guide lines at all stands on Apron 1 | |
2 | Runway markings and lighting | RWY Markings: Designation, threshold, touchdown zone, centre line, side strips, aiming point, lead on/off TWY F. RWY Lights: see EBAW AD 2.14 Approach and Runway Lighting. |
Taxiway markings and lighting | TWY Markings: Centre line, edge line, edge markers (TWY B, E, G, H, K), RWY holding points. TWY Lights: see EBAW AD 2.15 Other Lighting and Secondary Power Supply. | |
3 | Stop bars | NIL. |
Runway guard lights | Runway guard lights are installed at holding points F, A2, J, B2, G and E. | |
4 | Other runway protection measures | NIL |
5 | Remarks | Aircraft inbound to General Aviation will hold position on the taxi-guidance line when abeam the allocated parking stand number (stands 20 to 31). Stop the engine and push the aircraft on the allocated parking, nosewheel on the numbered yellow line. Marshalling service on request. All runway lights LED. Follow-me upon request for arriving aircraft at the end of TWY to stand. Follow-me upon request for departing aircraft from stand to RWY holding point. |
No Area 2 or Area 3 obstacle data sets are currently provided for EBAW.
Details on EBAW aerodrome obstacles can be found on chart AD 2 EBAW AOC.01.
1 | Associated MET Office | EBAW MET EBBR MET |
2 | Hours of service | EBAW MET: 0530-1730 (0430-1630) and 1730-2200 (1630-2100) in case of adverse weather conditions |
MET Office outside hours | EBBR MET: outside AD OPR HR and 1730-2200 (1630-2100) in case of non-adverse weather conditions | |
3 | Office responsible for TAF preparation | EBBR |
Periods of validity | 9 HR | |
Interval of issuance | 3 HR | |
4 | Trend forecast | AVBL |
Interval of issuance | 30 MIN | |
5 | Briefing / consultation provided | Personal consultation (during EBAW MET hours of service only), TEL |
6 | Flight documentation | Charts, abbreviated plain language text |
Languages used | En | |
7 | Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation | Surface charts, altitude charts, prognostic altitude charts, prognostic chart of significant weather, tropopause and maximum wind chart |
8 | Supplementary equipment available for providing information | Self-briefing terminal, FAX, real-time weather display |
9 | ATS units provided with information | Antwerpen TWR |
10 | Additional information | International aviation: TEL: +32 (0) 3 285 69 16 FAX: +32 (0) 2 206 28 29 (EBBR) VFR flights, gliding, ballooning: TEL: 0902 / 88 173 (CONSULTEL) Note: Communications automatically recorded on tape. |
RWY designator | True BRG | Dimensions of RWY (M) | Strength (PCN) and surface of RWY and SWY | THR COORD | THR ELEV and highest ELEV of TDZ of precision APCH RWY |
RWY end COORD | |||||
THR geoid undulation | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
11 | 109.80° | 1 510 x 45 | 36/F/B/X/T ASPH | 511130.70N 0042717.19E | THR 29 FT |
511115.75N 0042823.45E | |||||
147.7 FT | |||||
29 | 289.80° | 1502 x 45 | 36/F/B/X/T ASPH | 511115.75N 0042823.45E | THR 31 FT TDZ 32 FT |
511132.27N 0042710.17E | |||||
147.8 FT |
RWY designator | Slope of RWY and SWY | SWY dimensions (M) | CWY dimensions (M) | Strip dimensions (M) | Dimensions of RESA |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
11 | +0.08% | NIL | NIL | 1 630 x 300 | 90 x 90 |
29 | -0.08% | NIL | 8 x 150 | 1 630 x 300 | 90 x 90 |
RWY designator | Location and description of arresting system | OFZ | RMK |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
11 | NIL | NIL | NIL |
29 | NIL | YES | NIL |
Note: A grass strip of 600 M x 18 M is available next to the runway for aircraft with MTOW below 2 000 KG. Prior approval of the airport required (PPR). No solo training flights allowed. MAX crosswind of 15 KT. Horizontal visibility of 5 KM or more.
RWY designator | TORA (M) | TODA (M) | ASDA (M) | LDA (M) | RMK |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
11 | 1 510 | 1 510 | 1 510 | 1 366 | NIL |
29 | 1502 | 1 510 | 1502 | 1502 | NIL |
RWY 11 | ||||||
Approach lighting system | Type: | SALS | VASIS | Type: | PAPI (left / 3.5°) | |
Length: | 420 M | MEHT: | 57 FT | |||
Intensity: | LIH | |||||
Runway threshold lights | Colour: | green | Touchdown zone lights | Simple touchdown zone lights available | ||
Wing bars: | NIL | |||||
Runway end lights | Colour: | red | Stopway lights | NIL | ||
Wing bars: | NIL | |||||
Runway centre line lights | Length: | 1 365 M | white: | from 0 to 690 M | ||
Spacing: | 15 M | red / white: | from 690 to 1 095 M | |||
Intensity: | LIH | red: | from 1 095 to 1 365 M | |||
Runway edge lights | Length: | 1 510 M | red: | from 0 to 100 M | ||
Spacing: | 30 M | white: | from 100 to 1 060 M | |||
Intensity: | LIH | yellow: | from 1 060 to 1 510 M | |||
Remarks | Approach lighting system no LED AVBL. All RWY lights till stop bars included LED. PAPI LED. |
RWY 29 | ||||||
Approach lighting system | Type: | SALS | VASIS | Type: | PAPI (left / 3°) | |
Length: | 620 M | MEHT: | 54 FT | |||
Intensity: | LIH | |||||
Runway threshold lights | Colour: | green | Touchdown zone lights | Simple touchdown zone lights available | ||
Wing bars: | NIL | |||||
Runway end lights | Colour: | red | Stopway lights | NIL | ||
Wing bars: | NIL | |||||
Runway centre line lights | Length: | 1 510 M | white: | from 0 to 765 M | ||
Spacing: | 15 M | red / white: | from 765 to 1 230 M | |||
Intensity: | LIH | red: | from 1 230 to 1 510 M | |||
Runway edge lights | Length: | 1 510 M | white: | from 0 to 1 020 M | ||
Spacing: | 30 M | yellow: | from 1 020 to 1 510 M | |||
Intensity: | LIH | |||||
Remarks | Approach lighting system no LED AVBL. All RWY lights till stop bars included LED. PAPI halogen. |
1 | ABN / IBN location, characteristics and hours of operation | NIL |
2 | LDI location and lighting | NIL |
WDI location and lighting | Next to apron 2 (lighted) At THR 11 (lighted) At THR 29 (lighted) | |
3 | Taxiway edge lighting | TWY A1, A2, F and K |
Taxiway centre line lighting | TWY A1, A2, F and K | |
4 | Secondary power supply | To all lighting at aerodrome |
Switch-over time | 0 SEC | |
5 | Remarks | Blue reflective edge markers on TWY B, E, G, H and J. TWY centre line lights from RWY to holding point LED. TWY edge lights from RWY to holding point LED. |
1 | Coordinates TLOF or THR of FATO | H2: 511114.76N 0042734.17E H3: 511130.12N 0042742.66E |
Geoid undulation | 148 FT | |
2 | TLOF and/or FATO elevation | H2: 31 FT H3: 28 FT |
3 | TLOF and FATO area dimensions | H2: diameter 13 M H3: diameter 12 M |
Surface | ASPH | |
Strength | < 3175 KG | |
Marking | Marked with white letter “H”. There is no aiming point provided. | |
4 | True BRG of FATO | NIL |
5 | Declared distance available | NIL |
6 | APCH and FATO lighting | NIL |
7 | Remarks | See chart AD 2 EBAW VAC.03 |
1 | Designation | Antwerpen CTR |
Lateral limits | 511606N 0041600E - 511606N 0043737E - 511005N 0044746E - 510432N 0041845E - an arc of circle, 8 NM radius, centred at 511107N 0042600E and traced clockwise to 511606N 0041600E. | |
2 | Vertical limits | 2 500 FT AMSL |
3 | Airspace classification | D |
4 | ATS unit call sign | Antwerpen Tower |
Language(s) | En | |
5 | Transition altitude | 4 500 FT AMSL |
6 | Hours of activation | As AD Operator. See AD-2.3 |
7 | Remarks | Activation may be checked with Brussels FIC. OPR HR may vary. Therefore, outside activation times, pilots shall maintain a listening watch with Brussels FIC. UAS can be encountered in UAS geographical zones EBAW VLL0, VLL1 and VLL2 (for specifications, see ENR 5.1, § 4). Systematic tracking of UAS by ATC cannot be ensured. |
Service designation | Call sign | Frequency/Channel | Hours of operation | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
TWR | Antwerpen Tower | 135.205 | HS | Primary frequency 8.33 KHZ CH |
125.625 MHZ | HS | Supplementary frequency | ||
121.500 MHZ | HS | Emergency frequency | ||
Antwerpen Ground | 121.905 | HS | Ground movement control 8.33 KHZ CH | |
ATIS | Antwerpen Information | 124.205 | H24 | D-ATIS available (see GEN 3.4, § 3.4.2) 8.33 KHZ CH |
VDF | Antwerpen Homer | 135.205 | HS | 8.33 KHZ CH |
121.500 MHZ | HS | NIL |
Type of aid (MAG VAR) | ID | Frequency | Hours of operation | Position of transmitting antenna | DME antenna elevation | Remarks | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |
DVOR/DME (1°E/2020) | ANT | 113.500 MHZ CH 82X | H24 | 511125.7N 0042821.3E | 100 FT | Coverage: 40 NM/FL 250 | |
NDB | ONW | 355 KHZ | H24 | 511002.7N 0043358.4E | Coverage: 50 NM Collocated with OM ILS 29 | ||
ILS 29 (CAT I) | |||||||
LOC | IAD | 111.750 MHZ | H24 | 511133.7N 0042704.0E | 290° GEO / 0.89 NM from THR 29 No back beam available LOC only reliable within 35° either side of course line | ||
GP | 333.350 MHZ | H24 | 511122.9N 0042810.3E | Slope 3° RDH 52 FT | |||
DME | IAD | CH 54Y | H24 | 511122.7N 0042810.1E | 30 FT | Collocated with GP | |
OM | dash / dash | 75 MHZ | H24 | 511002.2N 0043358.7E | 3.73 NM from THR 29 or use IAD DME fix | ||
MM | dot / dash | 75 MHZ | H24 | 511105.5N 0042911.1E | 0.53 NM from THR 29 or use IAD DME fix |
In order to improve safety, the carriage and operation of a serviceable Mode S transponder with basic functionality is mandatory for all aircraft operating within Antwerpen CTR. An exemption to this rule may be granted, provided that the request is made before the flight by telephone to the Antwerpen ATS authority.
Aircraft with wingspan exceeding 29M can only use TWY A and F.
Single engine aircraft can taxi between the hangar to avoid damage to the aircraft.
Twin engine aircraft and helicopters will be towed behind the white line and maximum use will be made of start-up area 1 and 2 for start-up and engine warm up purposes.
The same rules apply for arriving aircraft and helicopters (use start-up area 1 and 2).
Aircraft with wingspan exceeding 29M can only park on Apron 1.
On apron 2, U-turns or 180° turns are prohibited under own power for aircraft with MTOW > 5 700 KG. This is only allowed under towing.
All aircraft crew and airport personnel are required to wear high visibility clothing at all times when airside, in accordance with EU standard 471.
Stand 111: follow-me and marshalling is available whenever alternate stand is needed.
When the crosswind component, including gusts, does not exceed 15 KT, or the tailwind component, including gusts, does not exceed 5 KT and traffic permitting, ATC will use RWY 11 in preference to RWY 29 for departing aircraft with a weight exceeding 5 700 KG.
If the pilot-in-command considers the runway-in-use not usable for reasons of safety or performance, he shall request permission to use another runway. ATC will accept such a request, provided that traffic and air safety conditions permit.
Take-off and landing of glider flights is prohibited.
Take-off and landing of ULM flights PPR, except for home based aircraft. Requests shall be send to inspection@antwerpairport.aero.
Take-off and landing of balloon flights is prohibited.
Parachuting overhead the aerodrome is prohibited.
Acrobatic flights within the aerodrome traffic circuit are prohibited.
Taking up or throwing off banners is prohibited.
Training flights (incl touch-and-go, stop-and-go and multiple approaches) are allowed from MON to SAT (HOL excl) between 0800 and 1859 (0700 and 1759). Maximum two aircraft for touch-and-go will be accepted simultaneously. ATC will endeavour to alternate the circuits to be flown. Touch-and-go and stop-and-go circuit training flights shall be flown at 1500 FT during night (as published on chart AD 2.EBAW-VAC.02).
Helicopter training is limited to maximum four circuits per hour. Helicopter ground training may only take place at heli 2 spot, after prior permission from the Airport Authority has been obtained.
Following training activities are forbidden:
From 1 JUN till 31 AUG touch-and-go training flights on SAT allowed till 1300 (1200).
Public holidays refer to GEN 2.1, § 6.
Aircraft operating to or from EBAW must be noise certificated according to ICAO Annex 16.
Aircraft with MTOW below 2 000 KG, performing touch-and-go should have a maximum noise level of 76 dB (CAA certified). These aircraft need prior approval from the Airport Authority.
The use of reverse thrust should be kept to a minimum, compatible with the safety of the aircraft.
Engine test runs in the open air and without silencers may only take place between 0700 and 1800 (0600 and 1700), except on SUN and public holidays (as listed in GEN 2.1, § 6) and on the condition that a previous authorization has been obtained from the Airport Authority.
Idle thrust engine test runs in the open air and without silencers must be restricted to the very minimum. A prior permission from the Airport Authority is required.
The Airport Authority has the right to stop or restrict all ongoing tests in the event of violation of airport regulations or circumstances arising that necessitate such a decision.
Aircraft with MTOW of 2000KG are allowed to perform engine test runs at the N-side of the airfield at the designated location. Aircraft over 2000KG MTOW are obliged to execute their engine test runs on H2.
Pilots shall be aware on the noise impact of the APU on the local community, and pilots should maximize the use of the GPU.
The APU shall be shut down at the earliest opportunity after the arrival on stand and it may only be restarted when essential aircraft checks or cabin conditions require so before the planned departure.
The APU shall not be left running without qualified attendance.
At pilot’s discretion, when no pre-conditioned air (PCA) is available and authorization from the Airport Inspection has been obtained, the use of the APU is allowed during periods of extreme high or low temperatures for parked aircraft.
Any additional use of APU can only be allowed by the Airport Inspection, on justified request.
Aircraft can only operate from 2100 till 2159 (2000 - 2059) if cumulative noise level (sum of the 3 noise levels: lateral, approach and flyover noise level of the noise certificate) does not exceed 263EPNdB (Effective Perceived Noise).
NADP 1 (Noise Abatement Departure Procedure 1).
This procedure involves a power reduction at or above the prescribed minimum altitude and delaying flap/slat retraction until the prescribed maximum altitude is attained.
At the prescribed maximum altitude, accelerate and retract flaps/slats on schedule while maintaining a positive rate of climb and complete the transition to normal en-route climb speed.
The noise abatement procedure is not to be initiated at less than 800 FT AGL. The initial climbing speed to the noise abatement initiation point shall not be less than V2 + 10 KT.
On reaching an altitude at or above 800 FT AGL, adjust and maintain engine thrust in accordance with the noise abatement thrust schedule provided in the aircraft operation manual. Maintain a climb speed of V2 + 10 to 20 KT with flaps and slats in the take-off configuration.
At no more than an altitude equivalent to 3 000 FT AGL, while maintaining a positive rate of climb, accelerate and retract flaps/slats on schedule.
At 3 000 FT AGL, accelerate to norm al en-route climb speed.
The captain of the aircraft remains exclusively in command of the aircraft and shall have complete discretion concerning all technical and safety matters, both around and in the aircraft and for all phases of the flight including take-off, in flight and landing.
Aircraft can only operate from 2100 till 2159 (2000 - 2059) if cumulative noise level (sum of the 3 noise levels: lateral, approach and flyover noise level of the noise certificate) does not exceed 263EPNdB (Effective Perceived Noise).
Except when authorized by the CAA or in case of emergency, a pilot-in-command shall not take off below the following minima:
For specific landing minima: see instrument approach charts (EBAW AD 2.24).
Turn / inbound track (MAG) | Right / 290° |
Holding level (MNM) | 2 000 FT QNH |
Remarks | 185 KIAS MAX |
Note: The following database entries are suggestions only and should be checked by a professional database coder before entry into an active database.
ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | Upper limit (FT) / Lower limit (FT) | Time | Speed limit (KTS) | NAV Spec | Remarks |
ANT | HM | Y | 291.0/290 | R | 4000 / 2000 | 1 MIN | -185 | RNAV1 |
When cleared for a visual approach on RWY 11, aircraft shall not intercept the APCH slope of the PAPI (3.5°) below 1 700 FT AMSL.
When cleared for a visual APCH on RWY 29, aircraft shall not intercept the APCH slope of the PAPI (3°) below 1 000 FT AMSL.
Pilots shall request RNP approach on first contact with Brussels APP.
ARPUR | 511131.8N | 0040505.2E | |
IF | BEVRI | 511522.1N | 0041010.5E |
FAF | AW11F | 511409.1N | 0041534.0E |
MAPt | RW11 | 511130.70N | 0042717.19E |
MATF | AW011 | 510956.4N | 0043415.1E |
Note: These database entries are suggestions only and should be checked by a professional database coder before entry into an active database.
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T) | Turn Dir. | ALT (ft) | DIST (NM/MIN) | Speed limit (kts) | VPA (°)/TCH (ft) | NAV Spec | Remarks |
1 | ANT | IF | N | +3000 | -220 | RNP APCH | IAF | ||||
2 | NIK | TF | N | 262.1 | R | @3000 | 11.0 | RNP APCH | |||
3 | ARPUR | TF | N | 293.5 | R | 4.1 | RNP APCH | ||||
4 | BEVRI | TF | N | 039.7 | R | 5.0 | RNP APCH | IF | |||
5 | AW11F | TF | N | 109.7 | @3000 | 3.6 | RNP APCH | FAF | |||
6 | RW11 | TF | Y | 109.7 | 7.8 | -3.50°/50 | RNP APCH | MAPt | |||
7 | AW011 | TF | Y | 109.7 | L | 4.7 | -160 | (RNP APCH)* | MATF | ||
8 | ANT | DF | @2000 | MAHF |
* revert to conventional
ANT | 511125.7N | 0042821.3E |
OSNIZ | 510426.5N | 0043512.7E |
TEOFA | 510309.4N | 0044045.9E |
BRAGI | 510751.5N | 0044326.5E |
NOFSA | 511238.8N | 0044454.6E |
SONDI | 511125.5N | 0045018.0E |
KRUBB | 510654.4N | 0044741.0E |
AW29F | 510913.6N | 0043723.4E |
RW29 | 511115.7N | 0042823.4E |
Note: The following database entries are suggestions only and should be checked by a professional database coder before entry into an active database.
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | Upper limit (FT) / Lower limit (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KTS) | VPA (°)/TCH (FT) | NAV Spec | Remarks |
1 | ANT | IF | N | RNP APCH | IAF | ||||||
2 | OSNIZ | TF | N | 148.3/147 | - / 2000 | 8.2 | 220 | RNP APCH | |||
3 | TEOFA | TF | N | 110.1/109 | 3.7 | RNP APCH | |||||
4 | BRAGI | TF | N | 019.7/019 | - / 2000 | 5.0 | RNP APCH | IF | |||
5 | AW29F | TF | N | 289.8/289 | @2000 | 4.0 | RNP APCH | FAF | |||
6 | RW29 | TF | Y | 289.8/289 | 6.0 | 3.00/52 | RNP APCH | MAPT |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | Upper limit (FT) / Lower limit (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KTS) | VPA (°)/TCH (FT) | NAV Spec | Remarks |
1 | ANT | IF | RNP APCH | IAF | |||||||
2 | NOFSA | TF | N | 083.2/082 | - / 3000 | 10.5 | 220 | RNP APCH | |||
3 | SONDI | TF | N | 109.8/109 | 3.6 | RNP APCH | |||||
4 | KRUBB | TF | N | 200.0/199 | - / 3000 | 4.8 | RNP APCH | ||||
5 | BRAGI | TF | N | 289.6/289 | - / 2000 | 2.8 | RNP APCH | IF | |||
6 | AW29F | TF | N | 289.8/289 | @2000 | 4.0 | RNP APCH | FAF | |||
7 | RW29 | TF | Y | 289.8/289 | 6.0 | 3.00/52 | RNP APCH | MAPT |
STAR have been established as shown on chart AD 2.EBAW-STAR.01 and as listed below. ATC may deviate from these routes and pilots may expect radar vectors for separation reasons or in order to expedite traffic flow.
Designator | Route | track (MAG) | Distance (NM) | MNM IFR level | Remarks |
296° | 30.4 | FL 070 | |||
FLO DVOR | |||||
322° | 18.3 | FL 070 | |||
BUN DVOR | |||||
286° | 14.6 | 4 000 FT | |||
ANT DVOR | |||||
RNAV1: BATTY - FLO - BUN[F070+] - ANT[A4000+] | |||||
LNO5A | LNO DVOR | NIL | |||
308° | 28.0 | FL 070 | |||
FLO DVOR | |||||
322° | 18.3 | FL 070 | |||
BUN DVOR | |||||
286° | 14.6 | 4 000 FT | |||
ANT DVOR | |||||
RNAV1: LNO - FLO - BUN[F070+] - ANT[A4000+] | |||||
034° | 45.5 | FL 080 | |||
NIK DVOR | |||||
081° | 11.0 | 4 000 FT | |||
ANT DVOR | |||||
RNAV1: ARVOL - NIK[F080+] -ANT[A4000+] | |||||
TULNI5A | TULNI | TULNI MAX FL 180 To be used only when MIL activities permit | |||
054° | 20.2 | FL 090 | |||
AKOVI | |||||
034° | 30.7 | FL 080 | |||
NIK DVOR | |||||
081° | 11.0 | 4 000 FT | |||
ANT DVOR | |||||
RNAV1: TULNI[F180-] - AKOVI[F090+] - NIK[F080+] - ANT[A4000+] | |||||
084° | 57.9 | FL 080 | |||
NIK DVOR | |||||
081° | 11.0 | 4 000 FT | |||
ANT DVOR | |||||
RNAV1: KOK - NIK[F080+] - ANT[A4000+] | |||||
204° | 7.5 | FL 080 | |||
8.4 DME NIK | |||||
117° | - | 4 000 FT | |||
ANT DVOR | |||||
RNAV1: WOODY - AW002[F080+] - ANT[A4000+] |
BATTY | 503857.0N | 0055055.6E |
FLO | 505236.0N | 0050804.3E |
BUN | 510707.1N | 0045031.6E |
ANT | 511125.7N | 0042821.3E |
LNO | 503509.3N | 0054237.0E |
ARVOL | 503245.0N | 0032949.0E |
NIK | 510954.3N | 0041102.2E |
KOK | 510540.9N | 0023905.9E |
WOODY | 512420.4N | 0042159.3E |
AW002 | 511541.8N | 0041534.0E |
TULNI | 503327.0N | 0031656.0E |
AKOVI | 504450.0N | 0034307.00E |
Note: The following database entries are suggestions only and should be checked by a professional database coder before entry into an active database.
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | Upper limit (FT) / Lower limit (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KIAS) | NAV Spec |
1 | BATTY | IF | RNAV1 | ||||||
2 | FLO | TF | N | 296.9 / 296 | 30.4 | RNAV1 | |||
3 | BUN | TF | N | 322.8 / 322 | - / FL 070 | 18.3 | RNAV1 | ||
4 | ANT | TF | N | 287.3 / 286 | - / 4000 | 14.6 | RNAV1 |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | Upper limit (FT) / Lower limit (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KIAS) | NAV Spec |
1 | LNO | IF | RNAV1 | ||||||
2 | FLO | TF | N | 308.7 / 308 | 28.0 | RNAV1 | |||
3 | BUN | TF | N | 322.8 / 322 | - / FL 070 | 18.3 | RNAV1 | ||
4 | ANT | TF | N | 287.3 / 286 | - / 4000 | 14.6 | RNAV1 |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | Upper limit (FT) / Lower limit (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KIAS) | NAV Spec |
1 | ARVOL | IF | RNAV1 | ||||||
2 | NIK | TF | N | 034.8 / 034 | - / FL 080 | 45.5 | RNAV1 | ||
3 | ANT | TF | N | 081.9 / 081 | - / 4000 | 11.0 | RNAV1 |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | Upper limit (FT) / Lower limit (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KIAS) | NAV Spec |
1 | TULNI | IF | FL 180 / - | RNAV1 | |||||
2 | AKOVI | TF | N | 055.5 / 054 | - / FL 090 | 20.2 | RNAV1 | ||
3 | NIK | TF | N | 034.9 / 034 | - / FL 080 | 30.7 | RNAV1 | ||
4 | ANT | TF | N | 081.9 / 081 | - / 4000 | 11.0 | RNAV1 |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | Upper limit (FT) / Lower limit (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KIAS) | NAV Spec |
1 | KOK | IF | - / FL 080 | RNAV1 | |||||
2 | NIK | TF | N | 085.2 / 084 | - / FL 080 | 58.1 | RNAV1 | ||
3 | ANT | TF | N | 081.9 / 081 | - / 4000 | 11.0 | RNAV1 |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | Upper limit (FT) / Lower limit (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KIAS) | NAV Spec |
1 | WOODY | IF | RNAV1 | ||||||
2 | AW002 | TF | N | 205.0 / 204 | - / FL 080 | 9.5 | RNAV1 | ||
3 | ANT | TF | N | 117.9 / 117 | - / 4000 | 9.1 | RNAV1 |
Unless instructed otherwise by ATC, the missed approach procedures as published on the instrument approach charts (see EBAW AD 2.24) shall be followed.
IFR flights performing a visual approach shall use the missed approach segment of the IAP communicated via ATIS.
In order to allow ATC units to co-ordinate ATC clearances, pilots shall request start-up 10 MIN before it is expected that the aircraft will be ready to request taxi instructions.
The ATC clearance issued upon this initial call is based on the assumption that, from the time of readiness, an average period of 10 MIN is needed for start-up, taxi and take-off manoeuvres.
Consequently, any call made deliberately in advance of the 10 MIN required here above and made without reasonable assurance of being ready in time, may result in disruption of the departure sequence and cause delay for the operators.
SID have been established as shown on the SID charts (see EBAW AD 2.24) and as listed below. Pilots unable to comply shall inform ATC when requesting start-up clearance.
Note: ATC may deviate from these routes.
Designator | Route | Remarks |
GILOM3E | Climb straight ahead. At 1 500 FT QNH RT to intercept R-003 BUB INBD to BUB, GILOM next. | NIL |
GILOM3F | Climb straight ahead. At 1 500 FT QNH DCT to BUN, GILOM next. | NIL |
GILOM3G | Climb straight ahead. At 1 500 FT QNH RT to intercept R-098 NIK INBD to NIK. BUB, GILOM next. | NIL |
NIK4E | Climb straight ahead. At 1 500 FT QNH RT to intercept R-098 NIK INBD to NIK. | NIL |
PUTTY6E | Climb straight ahead. At 1 500 FT QNH, LT to intercept R-003 BUB, LT to intercept R-307 BUN to PUTTY. | At ATC discretion only. |
PUTTY2G | Climb straight ahead. At 1 500 FT QNH RT to intercept R-098 NIK INBD to NIK. RT to intercept R-025 NIK to PUTTY. | At ATC discretion only. |
SONDI5E | Climb straight ahead. At 1 500 FT QNH LT to intercept R-089 ANT to SONDI. | NIL |
Designator | Route | Remarks |
GILOM5B | At 600 FT QNH LT to intercept R-078 NIK INBD to NIK, BUB, GILOM next. RNAV1: [A600+] - NIK[T259; L] -> AW501 - BUB - GILOM | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. |
GILOM4C | At 600 FT QNH LT to intercept R-338 BUB INBD to BUB, GILOM next. RNAV1: [A600+; L] -> AW502 - BUB - GILOM | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. |
GILOM5D | At 600 FT QNH LT to intercept R-275 BUN INBD to BUN, GILOM next. RNAV1: [A600+; L] -> AW503 - BUN - GILOM | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. |
NIK6C | At 600 FT QNH LT to intercept R-078 NIK INBD to NIK. RNAV1: [A600+] - NIK[T259] | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. |
PUTTY6C | At 600 FT QNH LT to intercept R-078 NIK INBD. When crossing R-342 BUB RT to intercept R-344 BUB to PUTTY. | At ATC discretion only. MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. |
PUTTY3B | At 600 FT QNH LT to intercept R-078 NIK INBD to NIK. RT to intercept R-025 NIK to PUTTY. RNAV1: [A600+] - NIK[T259; R] -> PUTTY | At ATC discretion only. MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. |
SONDI6C | At 600 FT QNH LT to intercept R-078 NIK INBD. When crossing R-337 BUB LT to intercept QDM-073 ONW to ONW. At ONW continue on QDR-073 ONW to intercept R-085 NIK to SONDI. | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. |
ID | Latitude | Longitude |
NIK | 510954.3N | 0041102.2E |
AW502 | 510547.1N | 0042514.0E |
BUB | 505408.4N | 0043217.1E |
GILOM | 504507.3N | 0044626.8E |
AW501 | 510427.9N | 0041824.3E |
PUTTY | 512157.1N | 0042015.4E |
AW503 | 510804.9N | 0043713.2E |
BUN | 510707.1N | 0045031.6E |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | ALT (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KTS) | NAV Spec | Remarks |
1 | CA | 289.7 / 289 | +600 | RNAV1 | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. | |||||
2 | NIK | CF | Y | 259.0 / 258 | RNAV1 | |||||
3 | AW501 | DF | N | L | RNAV1 | |||||
4 | BUB | TF | N | 139.6 / 139 | 13.6 | RNAV1 | ||||
5 | GILOM | TF | N | 135.1 / 134 | 12.7 | RNAV1 |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | ALT (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KTS) | NAV Spec | Remarks |
1 | CA | 289.7 / 289 | +600 | RNAV1 | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. | |||||
2 | AW502 | DF | N | L | RNAV1 | |||||
3 | BUB | TF | N | 159.0 / 158 | 12.5 | RNAV1 | ||||
4 | GILOM | TF | N | 135.1 / 134 | 12.7 | RNAV1 |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | ALT (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KTS) | NAV Spec | Remarks |
1 | CA | 289.7 / 289 | +600 | RNAV1 | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. | |||||
2 | AW503 | DF | N | L | RNAV1 | |||||
3 | BUN | TF | N | 096.5 / 095 | 8.4 | RNAV1 | ||||
4 | GILOM | TF | N | 186.7 / 186 | 22.2 | RNAV1 |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | ALT (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KTS) | NAV Spec | Remarks |
1 | CA | 289.7 / 289 | +600 | RNAV1 | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. | |||||
2 | NIK | CF | N | 259.0 / 258 | RNAV1 |
# | ID | P/T | F/O | Course (°T/°M) | Turn Dir. | ALT (FT) | DIST (NM) | Speed limit (KTS) | NAV Spec | Remarks |
1 | CA | 289.7 / 289 | +600 | RNAV1 | MNM PDG of 5.2% until leaving 600 FT QNH. | |||||
2 | NIK | CF | Y | 259.0 / 258 | RNAV1 | |||||
3 | PUTTY | DF | N | R | RNAV1 |
Note: ATC discretion only.
When taking off from RWY 29, a minimum PDG of 5.2% has to be maintained until leaving 600 FT QNH. If unable to comply with this climb gradient, pilots shall advise ATC in advance.
Pilots-in-command of departing aircraft routing via SPI - AMASI shall select a climb profile in order to be able to cross SPI at FL 240 or above. Flights unable to meet this climb requirement may expect routing via SPI-LIRSU-AMASI.
RWY 29 and RWY 11 are approved for low visibility take-off when RVR ≥ 150 M.
The runway is equipped with markings, threshold lights, edge lights, RWY end lights and centre line lights (15 M spacing in two electrical circuits) and simple touchdown zone lights.
During the preparation phase and the termination phase taxiing will be done by preference on TWY A and F.
During the operations phase taxiing will only be authorized on TWY A and F.
Departures from RWY 29 can expect taxi via A1-A2 followed by a backtrack.
Departures from RWY 11 can expect taxi via A1-F.
Pilots will be informed of the start and termination of the LVO by RTF.
The preparation phase will start when visibility falls below 800 M and further deterioration is expected. The operations phase will start when RVR falls below 550 M.
The operations phase will be terminated when RVR is ≥ 550 M and a continuing improvement is anticipated. The termination phase ends when the visibility reaches 800 M and a continuing improvement is anticipated.
During the operational phase the movement of traffic on the manoeuvring area is limited to one aircraft at a time, guided by a follow-me car. A follow-me car will guide the aircraft from its stand to the runway holding point and (after clearance from Antwerpen TWR) further to the line-up position.
After the follow-me car has reported vacating the runway, the pilot will be instructed to report “ready for departure”. The next aircraft for departure may only start its (guided) taxi when the preceding departure has reported being airborne.
Radio is compulsory.
Before entering Antwerp CTR, VFR flights must establish and maintain two-way radio communications with the ATC unit on the appropriate frequency. They must comply with ATC instructions.
The altitude to enter, to leave or to fly within the CTR will be instructed by ATC. Unless otherwise instructed by Antwerp TWR, pilots shall use the predetermined VFR routes and they shall enter and leave the CTR via the visual reporting points on these routes.
Name | Associated landmark | Position |
ALBER | Schoten, junction of Albert Canal and Schoten waterway | 511417N 0043002E |
DELTA | Beveren, dock left bank new port | 511710N 0041359E |
DUFFY | Duffel, railway bridge on the river Nete | 510509N 0042941E |
EKERE | Ekeren, switch-yard with three-way railways crossing | 511713N 0042559E |
HOTEL | Herentals, railway bridge over Albert Canal | 511023N 0044829E |
KALLO | Kallo village | 511510N 0041656E |
KONTI | Kontich, cloverleaf E19 | 510735N 0042545E |
PORTA | Merksem, event hall Sportpaleis | 511351N 0042628E |
RUPEL | Rupelmonde, junction of rivers Rupel and Schelde | 510714N 0041830E |
TANGO | Temse, bridge on the river Schelde | 510714N 0041308E |
WISKY | Rupel Yacht Club north of Willebroek | 510448N 0042159E |
ZOREL | Zoersel, intersection of cloverleaf motorway E34 and hight tension line | 511437N 0044206E |
Note: Visual reporting points DELTA, HOTEL, KALLO and PORTA can be used at ATC discretion only.
From south and west | Traffic shall route via:
After KONTI expect to join the southern circuit. |
From north and east | Traffic shall route via:
After ALBER expect to join the northern circuit. |
To south and west | Traffic shall route via:
To north and east | Traffic shall route via:
VFR flights shall follow the aerodrome traffic circuit depicted on chart AD2 EBAW VAC.02 as instructed by ATC. The aerodrome traffic circuit shall be flown at an altitude of 1000FT AMSL MNM by day and 1500FT AMSL MNMat night.
See chart AD 2 EBAW-VAC.03
If an aircraft does not succeed in landing within the 30 MIN normally allowed to make its approach and landing, it must leave Antwerpen CTR on a track of 310° MAG at 2 000 FT QNH or below and land at the first suitable aerodrome where the meteorological conditions permit a visual approach and landing.
ATIS messages serving inbound and outbound traffic are broadcasted H24 (see EBAW AD 2.18)
The messages contain following elements in the order as listed:
Item | ATIS | Start of expression |
Aerodrome name | ANTWERP | Antwerp... |
Alphabetical designator | INFO (A till Z) | Information... (alfa - zulu) |
ATIS Time | HHMM | .... |
Type of approach to be expected | TYPE APCH | Expecting vectoring... |
Runway in use for ARR and DEP | RiU for ARR and DEP | RWY... for ARR and DEP |
RSCD time | Runway surface condition at.... | |
RSCD for complete RWY or per third part of RWY including depth | TDZ...UP TO...mm MID...UP TO...mm END...UP...mm | touchdown zone...up to...mm middle...up to...mm end...up to...mm |
RWYCC | RWYCC | Runway condition code... |
Transition level | TRL | Transition level... |
Operational status | OPS STS | ... |
Surface wind, direction and speed (including significant variations) | WIND | Wind... |
Visibility | VIS | CAVOK or visibility... |
RVR | RVR (RWY) TDZ / M | RVR runway... ...metres, ... |
Present weather | WX | weather... |
Cloud base or vertical visibility | CLD VV / FT | Cloud...or vertical visibility... |
Air temperature | T | Temperature... |
Dewpoint temperature | DP | Dewpoint... |
Altimeter settings | QNH | QNH... |
Recent weather | REWX | Recent... |
Supplementary meteorological phenomena | SIGWX | Wind shear..., cumulonimbus in climb out, severe icing,... |
Landing forecast TREND | TREND | NOSIG, trend BCMG...or trend TEMPO... |
CONFIRM ATIS | CFM...(A till Z) | Confirm information...(alfa - zulu) on first contact |
When rapidly changing weather conditions make it inadvisable to include a weather report in the ATIS broadcast, the weather data are omitted and replaced by the phrase “MET REPORT OMITTED DUE TO RAPID CHANGES”. The omitted data can be requested from ATC.
Pilots are requested to listen to the ATIS broadcast prior to the first contact with ATS. When establishing communication with the relevant ATS unit, the pilot shall acknowledge receipt of ATIS message with the phrase “INFORMATION ... (alphabetical designator) RECEIVED”. ATS will confirm the validity of the received alphabetical designator. If the designator has changed meanwhile, only the actually valid designator will be given.
AD 2.EBAW-ADC.01 | Aerodrome Chart - ICAO |
AD 2.EBAW-ADC.02 | Aerodrome Chart - ICAO. Appendix 1: Runway Marking and Lighting Aids |
AD 2.EBAW-ADC.03 | Aerodrome Chart - ICAO. Appendix 2: Hot Spots |
AD 2.EBAW-ADC.04 | Aerodrome Chart - ICAO. Appendix 3: Ground Movement Responsibilities |
AD 2.EBAW-AOC.01 | Aerodrome Obstacle Chart. Type A (Operating Limitations) |
AD 2.EBAW-ATCSMAC.01 | ATC Surveillance Minimum Altitude Chart - ICAO |
AD 2.EBAW-STAR.01 | Standard Arrival Chart - Instrument - ICAO |
AD 2.EBAW-STAR.02 | Standard Arrival Chart - Instrument - ICAO: RNAV1 |
AD 2.EBAW-SID.01 | Standard Departure Chart - Instrument - ICAO: RWY 11 |
AD 2.EBAW-SID.02 | Standard Departure Chart - Instrument - ICAO: RWY 29 |
AD 2.EBAW-SID.03a | Standard Departure Chart - Instrument - ICAO: RNAV RWY 29 (Part a) |
AD 2.EBAW-SID.03b | Standard Departure Chart - Instrument - ICAO: RNAV RWY 29 (Part b) |
AD 2.EBAW-IAC.01 | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO: ILS or LOC RWY 29 |
AD 2.EBAW-IAC.02 | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO: RNP RWY 11 |
AD 2.EBAW-IAC.02a | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO: RNP RWY 11. Appendix: FAS Datablock |
AD 2.EBAW-IAC.03 | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO: VOR RWY 11 |
AD 2.EBAW-IAC.04 | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO: VOR RWY 29 |
AD 2.EBAW-IAC.05 | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO: RNP RWY 29 |
AD 2.EBAW-IAC.05a | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO: RNP RWY 29. Appendix: FAS Datablock |
AD 2.EBAW-VAC.01 | Visual Approach Chart - ICAO |
AD 2.EBAW-VAC.02 | Visual Approach Chart - ICAO. Appendix 1: Aerodrome Traffic Circuit |
AD 2.EBAW-VAC.03 | Visual Approach Chart - ICAO. Appendix 2: Helicopter Procedures |