ENR 5.1  Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas




Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
505311N 0042013E - an arc of circle, 0.8 NM radius, centred on 505311N 0042130E and traced clockwise to 505316N 0042247E - an arc of circle, 2.7 NM radius, centred on 505039N 0042142E and traced clockwise to 505311N 0042013E.UNL / GNDEntry prohibited, unless instructed by ATC.PERM
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.8 NM radius, centred on 500958N 0050628E.UNL / GNDEntry prohibited, unless instructed by ATC.PERM
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 3 NM radius, centred on 505957N 0050355E.(1)3500 FT AMSL / GNDParachute dropping zone and air exercises area. Entry prohibited, unless instructed by Schaffen Radio or Brussels APP.(2)MON 0001 (SUN 2301) - SAT SR (HOL excl) (3)
(1) Brussels CTA East One excl. Beauvechain TMA One A and Kleine-Brogel TMA One excl during activation.
(2) Aircraft operating in the EBR03 situated in Class G airspace shall contact Steenokkerzeel ATCC or Brussels FIC before entering the area.
(3) Additional activation possible (see NOTAM).
EBR04 - ELSENBORN 01 (1)
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
503117N 0061200E - along the Belgian-German border - 502557N 0062234E - 502557N 0060956E - 502657N 0060841E - 503117N 0061200E.FL 170 / GND (2)(3)Gunnery area, destruction centre of explosives, air exercises and UAS area.
Entry prohibited to all aircraft.(4)
Weekly programme announced by NOTAMHX (5)(6)
(1) This airspace can be activated simultaneously with TSA28A, therefore UAS operators shall contact Shooting Range Safety Office Elsenborn, TEL + 32 (0) 2 442 76 70 or + 32 (0) 2 442 76 73 or FREQ 138.975 MHZ to coordinate UAS operations with gunnery/destruction activities.
(2) Upper limit may be restricted to FL 105 (see NOTAM).
(3) Highest usable altitude for UAS is 4 500 FT AMSL.
(4) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Elsenborn and those participating in (combined) land-air exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Elsenborn, TEL +32 (0) 2 442 76 70 or TEL + 32 (0) 2 442 76 73. During CAS Air exercises, MIL aircraft shall obtain an additional entry clearance from the ALO “RINGO Range” on FREQ 241.700 MHZ (back up 377.725 MHZ).
(5) Activation announced by NOTAM.
(56) Activation can be checked with Steenokkerzeel ATCC or Brussels ACC Supervisor. This area is contiguous to EDR117 (see AIP Germany). Activation of EDR117 will be announced by NOTAM and can be checked with Steenokkerzeel ATCC or Brussels ACC Supervisor.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510723N 0053455E - 510157N 0053455E - 505929N 0051951E - 510452N 0051951E - 510557N 0052255E - 510723N 0053455E.FL 100 / GND (1)Firing and bombing exercises. UAS flights (NATO Class III). Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft.HX(2)(3)
(1) Upper limit may be restricted to 5000 FT AMSL.
(2) Announced by NOTAM. May be activated MON to FRI (HOL excl) at irregular times. Activation can be checked with Brussels FIC, Steenokkerzeel ATCC or Kleine-Brogel APP.
(3) Outside activation and between 2500 FT and 4500 FT AMSL, during EBBL OPR HR, Kleine-Brogel TMA TWO will be activated.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510805N 0055036E - along the Belgian-Dutch border - 510333N 0054619E - 510157N 0053455E - 510607N 0053455E - 510805N 0055036E.3300 FT AMSL / 2050 FT AMSLRun-in lane for bombing exercises. Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft.HX(2)(3)(4)
(1) Military aircraft proceeding to Helchteren range shall avoid to fly east of the river Meuse.
(2) Announced by NOTAM. May be activated MON to FRI (HOL excl) at irregular times. Activation can be checked with Brussels FIC, Steenokkerzeel ATCC or Kleine-Brogel APP.
(3) EBR05B will be activated automatically with EBR05A, unless EBR05A is limited to 5000 FT for firing exercises.
(4) Outside activation and between 2500FT and 4500FT AMSL, during EBBL OPR HR, Kleine-Brogel TMA TWO will be activated.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510333N 0054619E - along the Belgian-Dutch border - 505655N 0054502E - 505528N 0053207E - 505530N 0052752E - 505533N 0051951E - 505929N 0051951E - 510157N 0053455E - 510333N 0054619E.FL 050 / 2850 FT AMSLDownwind lane for bombing exercises. Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft.HX(2)(3)(4)
(1) Military aircraft proceeding to Helchteren range shall avoid to fly east of the river Meuse.
(2) Announced by NOTAM. May be activated MON to FRI (HOL excl) at irregular times. Activation can be checked with Brussels FIC, Steenokkerzeel ATCC or Kleine-Brogel APP.
(3) EBR05C will be activated automatically with EBR05A, unless EBR05A is limited to 5000 FT for firing exercises.
(4) Outside activation and between 2500FT and 4500FT AMSL, during EBBL OPR HR, Kleine-Brogel TMA THREE will be activated.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
505929N 0051951E - 510157N 0053455E - 505547N 0053455E - 505528N 0053207E - 505530N 0052754E - 505929N 0051951E.FL 075 / FL 050High intensity flights of jet aircraft during loft exercises. UAS flights (NATO Class III). Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft.HX(1)(2)
(1) May be activated MON to FRI (HOL excl) at irregular times. Activation can be checked with Brussels FIC, Steenokkerzeel ATCC or Kleine-Brogel APP.
(2) Whenever the loft procedure is requested by Helchteren RANGE and approved by Steenokkerzeel ATCC the EBR05D is automatically activated. ACT can be checked with Kleine-Brogel APP or with Steenokkerzeel ATCC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
505929N 0051951E - 510157N 0053455E - 511015N 0053455E - 510838N 0052127E - 510557N 0051658E - 510057N 0051655E - 505929N 0051951E.FL 240 / FL 100High intensity flights of jet aircraft during medium level bombing exercises. UAS flights (NATO Class III). Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft.HX(1)
(1) May be activated MON to FRI (HOL excl) at irregular times. Activation can be checked with Steenokkerzeel ATCC or Kleine-Brogel APP.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
505929N 0051951E - 510157N 0053455E - 505547N 0053455E - 505528N 0053207E - 505530N 0052754E - 505929N 0051951E.FL 155 / FL 075High intensity flights of jet aircraft during strafing exercises. Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft.HX(1)(2)(3)
(1) May be activated MON to FRI (HOL excl) at irregular times. Activation can be checked with Brussels FIC, Steenokkerzeel ATCC or Kleine-Brogel APP.
(2) Whenever the strafing procedure is requested by Helchteren RANGE and approved by Steenokkerzeel ATCC the EBR05F is automatically activated. ACT can be checked with Kleine-Brogel APP or with Steenokkerzeel ATCC.
(3) EBR05F requires simultaneous activation of EBR05E.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 2 NM radius, centred on 501436N 0043845E.FL 095 / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) Military aerodrome.Outside EBFS OPR HR (2)
(1) Entry prohibited unless authorized by the Ministry of Defence.
(2) EBFS OPR HR can be checked with Brussels FIC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 5 NM radius, centred on 501436N 0043845E. (1)FL 095 / GNDEntry restricted to aircraft maintaining a listening watch with EBFS TWR.(2)(3) Military aerodrome.HX(4)
(1) EBR06A excl.
(2) As EBFS may be re-activated at any time, pilots are advised to avoid crossing whenever possible. Upon activation of Florennes CTR and TMA, aircraft in EBR06B shall comply promptly with instructions from Florennes TWR.
(3) With the exception of traffic on frequency of Brussels ACC.
(4) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 2 NM radius, centred on 511006N 0052812E.FL 075 / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) Military aerodrome.Outside EBBL OPR HR (2)
(1) Entry prohibited unless authorized by the Ministry of Defence.
(2) EBBL OPR HR can be checked with Brussels FIC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 5 NM radius, centred on 511006N 0052812E.(1)FL 075 / GNDEntry restricted to aircraft maintaining a listening watch with EBBL TWR.(2)(3) Military aerodrome.HX(4)
(1) EBR07A excl.
(2) As EBBL may be re-activated at any time, pilots are advised to avoid crossing whenever possible. Upon activation of Kleine-Brogel CTR One and TMA One, aircraft in EBR07B shall comply promptly with instructions from Klein-Brogel TWR.
(3) With the exception of traffic on frequency of Brussels ACC.
(4) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle radius 2.5 NM centered on 510525N 0023910E.1500 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) Military aerodrome.Outside EBFN OPR HR (2)
(1) Entry prohibited unless authorized by the Ministry of Defence.
(2) EBFN OPR HR can be checked with Brussels FIC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 2 NM radius, centred on 504528N 0044601E.2500 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) Military aerodrome.Outside EBBE OPR HR (2)
(1) Entry prohibited unless authorized by the Ministry of Defence.
(2) EBBE OPR HR can be checked with Brussels FIC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 1 NM radius, centred on 503203N 0051625E.2300 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited, unless instructed by ATC.(1) Nuclear installation.PERM
(1) Not applicable to police flights.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 2 NM radius, centred on 503433N 0034952E.2500 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) Military aerodrome.Outside EBCV OPR HR (2)
(1) Entry prohibited unless authorized by the Ministry of Defence.
(2) EBCV OPR HR can be checked with Brussels FIC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.8 NM radius, centred on 500004N 0050841E.4 500 FT AMSL / GNDProhibited to MIL aircraft. Satellite ground station.PERM
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 3 NM radius, centred on 511232N 0050456E.4500 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited to MIL aircraft. Nuclear installations in Mol, Dessel and Geel.PERM
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510907N 0024349E - 511015N 0023959E - an arc of circle, 2.5 NM radius, centred on 510919N 0024340E and traced clockwise to 511055N 0024645E - 511008N 0024631E - 510907N 0024349E.2500 FT AMSL / SFCEntry prohibited.(1) Gunnery and air exercises area.HX(2)
(1) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Shooting Range Lombardsijde and those participating in (combined) land-air exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Lombardsijde, TEL + 32 (0) 2 442 37 26.
(2) Announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510907N 0024349E - 511139N 0023503E - an arc of circle, 7.5 NM radius, centred on 510839N 0024601E and traced clockwise to 511602N 0024819E - 511008N 0024631E - 510907N 0024349E.FL 240 / SFC (2)Entry prohibited.(3) Gunnery and air exercises area.HX(4)
(1) This area includes EBR17A.
(2) Upper limit may be restricted to FL 065 (see NOTAM).
(3) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Shooting Range Lombardsijde and those participating in (combined) land-air exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Lombardsijde, TEL + 32 (0) 2 442 37 26.
(4) Announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510907N 0024349E - 511351N 0022721E - an arc of circle, 12.8 NM radius, centred on 510839N 0024601E and traced clockwise to 512114N 0024957E - 511008N 0024631E - 510907N 0024349E.FL 240 / SFC (2)(3)Entry prohibited.(4) Gunnery and air exercises area.HX(5)
(1) This area includes EBR17A and EBR17B.
(2) Firing activity may take place higher than FL 240 (see NOTAM).
(3) Upper limit may be restricted to FL 065 (see NOTAM).
(4) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Shooting Range Lombardsijde and those participating in (combined) land-air exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Lombardsijde, TEL + 32 (0) 2 442 37 26.
(5) Announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510907N 0024349E - 511015N 0023959E then a clockwise arc radius 2.5 NM centered on 510919N 0024340E - 511055N 0024645E - 511008N 0024631E - 510907N 0024349E.500 FT AMSL / SFC(1)BVLOS military UAS training zone. Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft.(2)HX(3)
(1) UAS maximum operating altitude is 300 FT AMSL.
(2) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Shooting Range Lombardsijde and those participating in (combined) land-air exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Lombardsijde, TEL + 32 (0) 2 442 37 26.
(3) Announced by NOTAM. Status of the area can be checked with Oostende ATC. This airspace could be activated simultaneously with EBR17A.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
501820N 0052340E - 501642N 0052625E - 501506N 0052422E - 501358N 0052105E - 501418N 0052046E - 501717N 0052059E - 501820N 0052340E.3 250 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) Gunnery, UAS and air exercises area.MON to FRI (HOL excl), 0730-2200 (0630-2100) (2)
(1) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Marche and those participating in (combined) land-air exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Marche-en-Famenne, TEL +32 (0) 473 79 17 05 (Prio 1) or Planning TEL +32 (0) 2 442 29 42 or campmarche-trg-securite@mil.be.
(2) Activation outside these hours announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
511827N 0043155E - 511857N 0043055E - 511957N 0043155E - 512327N 0043655E - 512217N 0043855E - 511827N 0043155E.FL 140 / GND (1)Entry prohibited. Gunnery and air exercises area. (2)HX (3)
(1) Upper limit may be restricted to FL 070 (see NOTAM).
(2) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Shooting Range Brasschaat and those participating in (combined) land-air exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Brasschaat, TEL + 32 (0) 2 442 16 37 or + 32 (0) 477 40 42 03.
(3) Announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 4 NM radius, centred on 502957N 0035855E.2500 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited. Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). (1)PERM
(1) Not applicable to State aircraft or if authorized by Chièvres TWR on ATC frequency.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle radius 1 NM centered on 511930N 0041532E.2000 FT AMSL / GNDProhibited to MIL aircraft. Nuclear installation.PERM
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510131N 0023419E - along the Belgian-French border - 504848N 0023843E - 505957N 0024337E - 510131N 0023419E.4500 FT AMSL / 1500 FT AMSLLet-down procedure space for jet aircraft.(1)During EBFN OPR HR (2)
(1) Crossing clearance shall be requested from Koksijde APP.
(2) EBFN OPR HR can be checked with Brussels FIC or Steenokkerzeel ATCC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
504235N 0025545E - 510045N 0023852E - 505900N 0024917E - 504626N 0030102E - along the Belgian-French border - 504235N 0025545E.4500 FT AMSL / 1100 FT AMSL (1)Climb-out sector for jet aircraft.(2)During EBFN OPR HR (3)
(1) 1 100 FT AMSL from lateral limits of Koksijde CTR to 16 NM from the ARP on an axis of 150 DEG GEO, then a slope of 5°30' to the extreme limit of this sector.
(2) Crossing clearance shall be requested from Koksijde APP.
(3) EBFN OPR HR can be checked with Brussels FIC or Steenokkerzeel ATCC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510627N 0035909E - 510734N 0040144E - 510625N 0040310E - 510517N 0040122E - 510627N 0035909E.2500 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited to manned balloons.(1)PERM
(1) Above 1 500 FT AMSL manned free balloons flights are allowed if the pilot makes use either of a fully operational GPS with altitude registration or a fully operational FAI certified GPS logger or a fully operational transponder mode C with code setting A7000. Pilots using a transponder shall establish and maintain two-way radio communication with Brussels FIC on FREQ 126.900 MHZ.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 1.2 NM radius, centred on 505752N 0025735E.2 600 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) (2) (3) Destruction centre of explosives. PERM
(1) Except State aircraft in real-life operations.
(2) PPR 60 MIN.
(3) Prior entering coordination is mandatory with Current Ops Poelkapelle: +32 (0) 2 442 68 13.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
493901N 0054000E - 494053N 0054438E - 493939N 0054601E - 493745N 0054236E - 493901N 0054000E.3 750 FT AMSL / GND (1)Entry prohibited.(2) Gunnery and air exercises area.MON-FRI (HOL excl)
0700-2300 (0600-2200) SAT, SUN and HOL
0700-1600 (0600-1500) (3)
(1) Upper limit may occasionally be raised to FL 075 or FL 095, to be announced by NOTAM.
(2) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Lagland and those participating in (combined) land-air exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Lagland, TEL + 32 (0) 2 441 49 01 or + 32 (0) 499 58 01 24.
(3) Activation outside these hours will be announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
493901N 0053945E - 494111N 0054259E - 494114N 0054724E - 493939N 0054601E - 493745N 0054236E - 493901N 0053945E. 3 750 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) Gunnery, UAS and air exercises area.MON-FRI (HOL excl)
0000-2359 (2300-2259) (2)
(1) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Lagland and those participating in (combined) land-air exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Lagland, TEL + 32 (0) 2 441 49 01 or + 32 (0) 499 58 01 24.
(2) Activation outside these hours will be announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510927N 0051530E - 510927N 0052125E - 510737N 0052125E - 510703N 0051530E - 510927N 0051530E.FL 065 / GND (1)Entry prohibited.(2) Gunnery and air exercises area.MON-FRI (HOL excl)
0700-1500 and 1700-2000
MAR and OCT:
0700-1500 (0600-1400) and 1900-2200 (1800-2100)
APR and SEP:
0600-1400 and 1900-2200
0600-1400 and 2000-2300
0730-1530 (0630-1430) (3)
(1) Upper limit 2 700 FT AMSL on MON to FRI (HOL excl), unless announced by NOTAM.
(2) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Beverlo and those participating in combined Land and Air Component A/A exercises, after coordination with Shooting Range Safety Office Beverlo, TEL + 32 (0) 2 442 49 43 or + 32 (0) 2 442 49 15.
(3) Activation outside these hours will be announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.3 NM radius, centred on 503023N 0045615E.1550 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited. Destruction centre of explosives. MON to FRI (HOL excl), 0730-1600 (0630-1500)
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.5 NM radius, centred on 510438N 0052046E.1 450 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited. Demolition of explosives.HX (1)
(1) Announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle radius 0.5 NM centered on 505646N 0053603E.2000 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) Fulminate and cartridge manufacturer and shooting range.PERM
(1) Except State aircraft in real-life operations and glider aircraft from and to EBSL.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.5 NM radius, centred on 503342N 0052310E.2000 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited, unless instructed by ATC.(1) Powder mill.PERM
(1) Except State aircraft in real-life operations.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.5 NM radius, centred on 503357N 0041935E.2000 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited.(1) Fulminate manufacturer and shooting range. PERM
(1) Except State aircraft in real-life operations.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
512238N 0041815E - 512229N 0041435E - 512108N 0041512E - 512057N 0041603E - 511900N 0041706E - 511813N 0041354E - 511737N 0041234E - 511554N 0041141E - 511452N 0041153E - 511450N 0041122E - 511422N 0041124E - 511433N 0041457E - 511428N 0041612E - 511336N 0042025E - 511433N 0042110E - 511418N 0042354E - 511431N 0042443E - 511456N 0042501E - 511537N 0042509E - 511552N 0042503E - 511552N 0042419E - 511634N 0042419E - 511716N 0042433E - 511738N 0042425E - 511842N 0042124E - 512011N 0042046E - 512000N 0041828E - 512238N 0041815E.1000 FT AMSL / GND

Unless instructed by ATC, prohibited for all aircraft, except:

  • inspection flights, landing and take-off of helicopters, environmental control missions carried out on behalf of government agencies, (aircraft to/from EBHN and EBHF), with prior approval of Port Authority(1)(2);
  • State aircraft missions, SAR, medical flights, evacuations and fire-fighting intervention, prior notification to Port Authority(1) as soon as practically possible.
(1) Contact Port Authority Antwerp: TEL +32 (0) 3 229 67 33 or email geozone.antwerpen@portofantwerpbruges.com.
(2) See webpage: www.portofantwerpbruges.com/helikopters.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510422N 0034403E - 510433N 0034502E - 510511N 0034530E - 510623N 0034543E - 510633N 0034801E - 510730N 0034813E - 511054N 0035008E - 511113N 0034959E - 511133N 0034913E - 511132N 0034830E - 511248N 0034821E - 511238N 0034804E - 511133N 0034755E - 511141N 0034702E - 511137N 0034646E - 511050N 0034529E - 511014N 0034517E - 510838N 0034420E - 510820N 0034450E - 510757N 0034513E - 510726N 0034428E - 510616N 0034309E - 510544N 0034314E - 510422N 0034403E.1000 FT AMSL / GND

Prohibited for all aircraft, except:

  • inspection flights, landing and take-off of helicopters, environmental control missions carried out on behalf of government agencies, with prior approval of Port Authority(1);
  • State aircraft missions, SAR, medical flights, evacuations and fire-fighting intervention, prior notification to Port Authority(1) as soon as practically possible.
(1) Contact Port Authority Ghent: TEL +32 (0) 9 251 56 39 or email geozone@northseaport.com.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
511939N 0031105E - 512103N 0030959E - 512153N 0031118E - 512136N 0031339E - 511934N 0031347E - 511752N 0031540E - 511623N 0031250E - 511458N 0031312E - 511502N 0031338E - 511440N 0031340E - 511438N 0031325E - 511332N 0031340E - 511320N 0031325E - 511325N 0031254E - 511415N 0031243E - 511446N 0031222E - 511607N 0031203E - 511612N 0031241E - 511827N 0031207E - 511842N 0031144E - 511800N 0031136E - 511902N 0031037E - 511938N 0031052E - 511939N 0031105E.1000 FT AMSL / GND

Prohibited for all aircraft, except:

  • inspection flights, landing and take-off of helicopters, environmental control missions carried out on behalf of government agencies, with prior approval of Port Authority(1)(2);
  • State aircraft missions, SAR, medical flights, evacuations and fire-fighting intervention, prior notification to Port Authority(1) as soon as practically possible.
(1) Contact Port Authority Zeebrugge: TEL +32 (0) 50 54 68 67 or email HKD.zeebrugge@portofantwerpbruges.com.
(2) See webpage: www.portofantwerpbruges.com/helikopters.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.3 NM radius, centred on 511121N 0041919E.400 FT AMSL / GNDEntry prohibited. Destruction centre of explosives. MON to FRI (HOL excl), 0700-1600 (0600-1500)
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
504752N 0051121E - 504739N 0051136E - 504731N 0051133E - 504732N 0051113E - 504743N 0051114E - 504752N 0051121E.1000 FT AMSL / GNDRPAS testing and training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.HJ(1)
(1) ACT can be checked with EBST local authorities (see EBST AD 2.2).
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
504745N 0051214E - 504722N 0051116E - 504743N 0051113E - 504800N 0051125E - 504803N 0051154E - 504745N 0051214E.2000 FT AMSL / GNDRPAS testing and training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.activation announced by NOTAM(1)
(1) ACT can be checked with EBST local authorities (see EBST AD 2.2).
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
504635N 0050920E - 504632N 0050957E - 504621N 0051026E - 504558N 0050956E - 504617N 0050855E - 504635N 0050920E.650 FT AMSL / GNDRPAS testing and training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.activation announced by NOTAM(1)
(1) ACT can be checked with EBST local authorities (see EBST AD 2.2).
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
504836N 0050925E - 504902N 0051151E - 504835N 0051338E - 504657N 0051555E - 504355N 0051545E - 504709N 0050621E - 504836N 0050925E.2000 FT AMSL / GNDRPAS testing and training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft, except when approved by duty aerodrome commander of EBST.activation announced by NOTAM(1)
(1) ACT can be checked with EBST local authorities (see EBST AD 2.2).
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 1 NM radius, centred on 503436N 0044811E.1500 FT AMSL / GNDRPAS testing and training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.HX (1)
(1) Activation announced by NOTAM. May be activated from MON to FRI (HOL excl) between 0800-2300 (0700-2200).
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
504745N 0051214E - 504802N 0051119E - 504816N 0051207E - 504752N 0051233E - 504745N 0051214E.550 FT AMSL / GNDRPAS testing and training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.activation announced by NOTAM(1)
(1) ACT can be checked with EBST local authorities (see EBST AD 2.2).
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.75 NM radius, centred on 503517N 0042115E.400 FT AGL / GNDRPAS testing and training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.(1)HX(2)
(1) Non-participating aircraft requiring access can request PPR with Nivelles RPAS Test Center on TEL +32 (0) 67 88 36 36.
(2) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.5 NM radius, centred on 504752N 0052849E.2500 FT AMSL / GNDRadio controlled model aircraft training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.SAT, SUN and HOL
(1) In VMC only.
(2) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.5 NM radius, centred on 510527N 0044812E.1500 FT AMSL / GNDRadio controlled model aircraft training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.SAT, SUN and HOL
SR-SS (1)(2)
(1) In VMC only.
(2) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.5 NM radius, centred on 504316N 0032601E.2500 FT AMSL / GNDRadio controlled model aircraft training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.SAT, SUN and HOL SR-SS (1)(2)(3)
(1) Outside activation HTA10D only.
(2) In VMC only.
(3) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle, 0.33 NM radius, centred on 502937N 0053124E.2400 FT AMSL / GNDRadio controlled model aircraft training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.SAT, SUN and HOL SR-SS (1)(2)
(1) In VMC only.
(2) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
504836N 0050925E - 504902N 0051151E - 504835N 0051338E - 504822N 0051356E - 504622N 0050838E - 504709N 0050621E - 504836N 0050925E.2000 FT AMSL / GNDRPAS testing and training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft.activation announced by NOTAM (1)
(1) Activation can be checked with EBST local authorities (see EBST AD 2.2).
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
504355N 0051545E - 504622N 0050838E - 504822N 0051356E - 504657N 0051555E - 504355N 0051545E.2000 FT AMSL / GNDRPAS testing and training zone. Prohibited to non-participating aircraft. Zone allowed for manned traffic when RPAS ACT in EBR72 after coordination with and approved by the Duty Aerodrome Commander (DAC) of EBST. Solo training flights prohibited. Permanent 2-way radio contact with EBST mandatory.activation announced by NOTAM (1)
(1) Activation can be checked with EBST local authorities (see EBST AD 2.2).
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazard Time of activity
505356N 0042900E - 505314N 0042930E - 505154N 0042817E - 505115N 0042552E then a counter-clockwise arc radius 2.7 NM centered on 505039N 0042142E - 505219N 0042506E - 505339N 0042750E - 505356N 0042900E700 FT AMSL / GNDFederal Police helicopter activity during international summits. Only Federal Police helicopters and MIL helicopters stationed at EBMB during QRH mission allowed. (1) HX (2)
(1) Ground taxi at EBBR inside the EBR74 allowed.
(2) Activation can be checked with Brussels TWR.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
505427N 0042814E - 505413N 0042824E - 505252N 0042807E - 505136N 0042708E - 505115N 0042552E then a counter-clockwise arc radius 2.7 NM centered on 505039N 0042142E - 505307N 0042326E - 505427N 0042814E700 FT AMSL / GNDFederal Police helicopter activity during international summits. Only Federal Police helicopters and MIL helicopters stationed at EBMB during QRH mission allowed. (1) HX (2)
(1) Ground taxi at EBBR inside the EBR75 allowed.
(2) Activation can be checked with Brussels TWR.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
A circle radius 13 NM centered on 505218N 0042524E. FL 195 / GNDInternational summits. HX (3)
(1) VFR flights prohibited, excl. SAR, State, medical, humanitarian, NATO flights and flights with a specific approval from the Crisis Cell of the Federal Public Service Interior. Those flights shall contact the appropriate ATS unit before entering.
(2) Companies flying on State flight status shall contact CRC Beauvechain 30 MIN before departure on + 32 (0) 2 443 86 51 (or 650 or 653) and the Crisis Cell on + 32 (0) 506 47 11 and add STS/STATE in their flight plan. Those flights shall contact the appropriate ATS unit before entering.
(3) Activated by NOTAM after coordination between Crisis Cell, skeyes and Defence.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
511245N 0035029E along border BELGIUM_NETHERLANDS - 512220N 0042538E then a clockwise arc radius 30 NM centered on 505218N 0042524E - 511245N 0035029E.  FL 195 / GNDInternational summits. HX (5)
(1) VFR flights intending to enter this TRA shall submit a flight plan to Brussels ARO (EBBRZPZX) at least 60 MIN before departure. This flight plan shall additionally be send to Steenokkerzeel ATCC via AFTN (EDYYBAFA and EBMIZGZF). Add RMK/RSQ64XX to item 18 of the flight plan.
(2) All flights shall be transponder mode A/C (designated SSR code given by Air Navigation Service Provider), mode S optional use.
(3) All flights in airspace class G shall establish and maintain 2-way radio communication with BELGA Information on FREQ 129.325 MHZ. Flights must follow ATC instructions received from BELGA Information.
(4) CIV aerobatic flights, CIV UAS, crop dusters, gliders, ULM, motorized delta planes, paramotors, banner towing, CIV paradrops and manned free balloons prohibited.
(5) Activated by NOTAM after coordination between Crisis Cell, skeyes and Defence.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510711N 0051719E - 510724N 0051930E - 510634N 0052038E - 510620N 0051803E - 510630N 0051728E - 510711N 0051719E.500 FT AGL / GND (1)BVLOS military UAS training zone. Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft. (2)(3) HX (4)
(1) UAS maximum operating height is 300 FT AGL.
(2) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Beverlo, after coordination with Beverlo Planning Office, TEL +32 (0) 2 442 44 96 (during working hours) or +32 (0) 499 57 20 81 (outside working hours) and notification to EBBL TWR +32 (0) 443 31 35.
(3) Implies the closure of EBLE AD.
(4) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510707N 0051635E - 510711N 0051719E - 510630N 0051728E - 510642N 0051640E - 510707N 0051635E.500 FT AGL / GND (1)BVLOS military UAS training zone. Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft. (2)(3)HX (4)
(1) UAS maximum operating height is 300 FT AGL.
(2) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Beverlo, after coordination with Beverlo Planning Office, TEL +32 (0) 2 442 44 96 (during working hours) or +32 (0) 499 57 20 81 (outside working hours) and notification to EBBL TWR +32 (0) 443 31 35.
(3) Implies the closure of EBLE AD.
(4) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510634N 0052038E - 510620N 0051803E - 510546N 0051933E - 510613N 0052106E - 510634N 0052038E.500 FT AGL / GND (1)BVLOS military UAS training zone. Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft. (2)HX (3)
(1) UAS maximum operating height is 300 FT AGL.
(2) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Beverlo, after coordination with Beverlo Planning Office, TEL +32 (0) 2 442 44 96 (during working hours) or +32 (0) 499 57 20 81 (outside working hours) and notification to EBBL TWR +32 (0) 443 31 35.
(3) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510620N 0051803E - 510551N 0051612E - 510517N 0051645E - 510501N 0051859E - 510546N 0051933E - 510620N 0051803E.500 FT AGL / GND (1)BVLOS military UAS training zone. Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft. (2)HX (3)
(1) UAS maximum operating height is 300 FT AGL.
(2) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Beverlo, after coordination with Beverlo Planning Office, TEL +32 (0) 2 442 44 96 (during working hours) or +32 (0) 499 57 20 81 (outside working hours) and notification to EBBL TWR +32 (0) 443 31 35.
(3) Activation announced by NOTAM.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
510546N 0051933E - 510613N 0052105E - 510436N 0052315E - 510247N 0052052E - 510410N 0051819E - 510501N 0051859E - 510546N 0051933E.500 FT AGL / GND (1)BVLOS military UAS training zone. Entry prohibited to non-participating aircraft. (2)HX (3)
(1) UAS maximum operating height is 300 FT AGL.
(2) Except MIL aircraft transiting to/from Camp Beverlo, after coordination with Beverlo Planning Office, TEL +32 (0) 2 442 44 96 (during working hours) or +32 (0) 499 57 20 81 (outside working hours) and notification to EBBL TWR +32 (0) 443 31 35.
(3) Activation announced by NOTAM.


EBD26 - ARDENNES 05 (1)
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
501808N 0051710E - 500118N 0054241E - 494735N 0054237E - 494137N 0051624E - along the Belgian-French border - 500656N 0045209E - 500728N 0045635E - an arc of circle, 8 NM radius, centred on 501521N 0045417E and traced counterclockwise to 501627N 0050641E - 501808N 0051710E.4500 FT AMSL / 1000 FT AGLHigh performance flights.(2)HX(3)
(1) Can be activated from MON to FRI (HOL excl) between 0800-2300 (0700-2200).
(2) Flights within this area have to stay clear of controlled airspace, prohibited, restricted zones and conflicting TSA’s.
(3) Announced by NOTAM. Activation can be checked with Steenokkerzeel ATCC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
500723N 0041207E - 501035N 0043103E - 501059N 0043322E - an arc of circle, 5 NM radius, centred on 501436N 0043845E and traced counterclockwise to 501218N 0044540E - 501320N 0045527E - 501918N 0045328E - 502231N 0045226E - 503001N 0052456E - 502627N 0053920E - 503042N 0055956E - 501955N 0055956E - 501324N 0060343E - 501011N 0060832E - along the Belgian-German border - 500748N 0060816E - along the Belgian-Luxembourg border - 500120N 0055102E - 500118N 0054241E - 494735N 0054237E - 494137N 0051624E - along the Belgian-French border - 500723N 0041207E.4500 FT AMSL / 1000 FT AGLCSAR exercises.(1)HX(2)
(1) Flights within this area have to stay clear of controlled airspace, prohibited, restricted zones and conflicting TSA’s.
(2) Announced by NOTAM. Activation can be checked with Steenokkerzeel ATCC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
503941N 0044955E - 503457N 0044956E - 502758N 0045957E - 502902N 0050637E - an arc of circle, 6.5 NM radius, centred on 502912N 0051650E and traced clockwise to 503101N 0050701E - 503357N 0050551E - 504355N 0051545E - 504709N 0050621E - 504157N 0045525E - 503941N 0044955E.2500 FT AMSL / GND(1)MIL training sector for light aircraft.(2)MON-FRI (HOL excl) 0730-1630 (0630-1530)(3)
(1) Military users: Minimum safety height is 500 FT AGL, except for Practice Forced Landing (see ENR 1.2, § 2.4), in which case the minimum safety height will be 200 FT AGL.
(2) Mandatory RIS on EBBE APP for transiting OAT flights.
(3) Additional activation will be announced by NOTAM. Activity can be checked with Steenokkerzeel ATCC, EBBE TWR or Brussels FIC.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
512100N 0020500E - 512100N 0021300E - 512200N 0021900E - 512819N 0021900E - 512833N 0021630E - 512907N 0020500E - 512100N 0020500E.FL 150 / SFC (1)Gunnery area, parachuting, coastguard flights and UAS flights (NATO class III).HX (2)
(1) Activation limited to 4 500 FT AMSL maximum when TSA13 is active (see NOTAM).
(2) Announced by NOTAM, which must include a POC during the activation.
Lateral limitsVertical limitsType of restriction / nature of hazardTime of activity
512719N 0023000E - 512704N 0023246E - 512258N 0025030E - 511010N 0024630E - 510955N 0024539E - 511042N 0024029E - 511050N 0023815E - 511307N 0023000E - 512719N 0023000E.FL 245 / 2500 FT AMSL (2)Marshalling area for air exercises and UAS flights (NATO Class III).HX (3)
(1) Flights in this danger area are subject to ATS provided by Steenokkerzeel ATCC.
(2) First usable level is 3 000 FT AMSL.
(3) Announced by NOTAM. May be active MON to FRI (HOL excl). Only active during exercises flown from DOB (Deployed Operating Base) Koksijde.

4   UAS Geographical Zones

The zones depicted in the ENR 5.1 section of AIP Belgium & Luxembourg, are not applicable to UAS.

For Belgium, the dimensions of the UAS geographical zones are defined as regulated in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 art 15 and are publicly made available via the following weblink: https://map.droneguide.be/.

In Luxembourg, the dimensions of the UAS geographical zones are defined as regulated in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 art 15 and are publicly made available via the following weblink, compatible with ED269 format: https://drones.geoportail.lu/zones.

For Belgium, the corresponding conditions and procedures to request prior flight authorization of the UAS geographical zones are defined as regulated in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 art 15 and are publicly made available via the following weblink: https://es.mobilit.fgov.be/geozones/.

In Luxembourg, the conditions and procedures related to the UAS geographical zones are defined as regulated in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 art 15 and are publicly made available via the following weblink: https://g-o.lu/uas.


EBD26 - Ardennes 05: The reservation request should be forwarded to CRC Beauvechain and to COMOPSAIR Air Operations Support for approval. This airspace can only be activated together with TSA26B or TSA25C as a navigation warning.

EBD29 - Ardennes 07: The reservation request should be forwarded to COMOPSAIR Air Operations Support at least one month in advance. This airspace can only be activated together with TSA29A, TSA29B and TSA29C as a navigation warning. 'Heavy jet traffic ddmmyy xx.xxZ - xx.xxZ in Brussels FIR outside controlled airspace between 1 000 FT AGL and 4 500 FT AMSL'.

EBD39 - Koksijde Area: FPL are to be made available to Steenokkerzeel ATCC 60 MIN before EOBT.