Published as of 09 JAN 2025

NR/Year  Published on     Series 
- No Series
007/201016 DEC 2010-
Slot Notification for General Aviation in FPL
005/201228 JUN 2012-
Validation of Licenses
(information at the request of the Civil Aviation Authority)
013/201218 OCT 2012-
Track-keeping on Departure from and Arrival to Brussels National Airport
(information at the request of the Civil Aviation Authority)
001/201409 JAN 2014-
Airspace Infringement due to Altimeter Settings
004/201403 APR 2014-
Trial Implementation of RLatSM in the ICAO Nat Region
006/201429 MAY 2014-
ICAO 24-bit Aircraft Addresses and Aircraft Identification Reporting
007/201429 MAY 2014-
Holders of a Flight Crew License
(Information at the request of the Civil Aviation Authority)
010/201421 AUG 2014-
Volcanic Ash
012/201731 AUG 2017-
Aircraft Noise Limits around Brussels National Airport (EBBR)
003/202012 MAR 2020-
Aircraft noise limits around Liege Airport (EBLG)
001/202114 JAN 2021-
5G Antennas on Belgian Territory
002/202404 APR 2024-
Withdrawal of NDB/L Infrastructure
003/202404 APR 2024-
Introduction of A RNAV 1 Mandate at All Public Aerodromes in the Belgian part of the Brussels Flight Information Region
005/202402 MAY 2024-
Establishment of an Integrated Civil-Military NOTAM Office for Brussels FIR as from 13 JUN 2024
006/202402 MAY 2024-
Minimum Separation Standard for Controlled Airspace in the Belgian part of the Brussels Flight Information Region below FL245
007/202402 MAY 2024-
Dynamic Obstacle Lighting Inside MIL HTA’s
(Information at the request of the Civil Aviation Authority)
008/202402 MAY 2024-
009/202422 AUG 2024-
Contrail Prevention Trial - Maastricht UAC (EDYY) Airspace
010/202417 OCT 2024-
FF-ICE R1 Implementation
011/202417 OCT 2024-
ELLX - Seasonal Snow Plan 2024-2025
012/202414 NOV 2024-
BELGIUM - Seasonal Snow Plan 2024/2025
013/202412 DEC 2024-
Use of the Frequency Monitoring Code (FMC)
014/202412 DEC 2024-
EBOS - Fuelling Types Available